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July 2nd, 2007 22:00

Help XPS 200

My XPS 200 would not power up.  I called tech support they sent a new fan and motherboard
No Computer for several days as I waited for a techncian to come with the parts . This worked for a 2 days.
Then the computer started shutting itself off. The same tech came back with a 2nd motherboard and a new power supply.  Again, I had no computer for several days. The tech said he thought the power supply should have been replaced the first time. This worked for 2 weeks.
Today, I get another blue screen. This time the Dell tech said he is sure its a faulty memory causing the problem. The supervisor said I will have the new memory 3 to 5 days. I informed this is the third time they are fixing this machine within a month and it has all been different issues. I informed her I wanted a new computer .(I paid for an extended warranty) She said that is not an option. They
would rather keep fixing the symptons and guessing what might have caused it.
I asked it they could at least overnight the new memory. No, it will be sent within 3 to 5 days.
She said she would be my new contact person. However, she said she could not give me her extension.
We have been on the phone with Dell for hours upon hours. We have re-loaded Windows and my software 3 times already, and I paid for data recovery for information on my old hard drive.
I will be lucky if my XPS 200 works 200 days this year.
Can a faulty memory cause the machine to not power up and shut itsel off?

1.7K Posts

July 3rd, 2007 01:00

u could try the "Unresolved Issues " page and give them some enlightenment

Message Edited by Toronto699 on 07-02-2007 09:50 PM

2 Posts

July 12th, 2007 07:00

The more I read the repetition of the same problems, the more I'm becoming convinced that� the XPS 200 has serious� issues� that Dell must be aware of,� yet they are not moved to recall the systems nor are they eager to discuss them.�  I'm in the unfortunate position of having one that is� now nearly 18 months old and less than 6 months out of� warranty.�  The system has always been what I call 'touchy', spontaneously turning off, blue screens for no apparent reason, even the slightest movement and it would shut off and sometimes� repeated tries before it would turn back on, not to mention overbearingly LOUD.�  This past week it started erratic blue screens then of a sudden, it gave me a Kernel_Stack_Inpage_Error blue screen, chkdsk detected errors but� crashed during phase 3 to� a� 'error unknown, hard error' blue screen...and that was it...chkdsk� (automatic after a stop)� after that couldn't detect the drive� even though 'Recovery Console' chkdsk� could detect� it but still couldn't repair it.
I tried to repair XP Pro but it wouldn't continue because of the hard drive error that chkdsk� couldn't fix.�  I'm still convinced that the hard drive is ok to the point that all the files are there and the problem is a corrupted pagefile.sys file BUT since I couldn't boot the hard drive, I had to order a new one.�  Got it today, installed it and the system won't even power up now, and that I feel sure has to do with the fact that the system HAS ALWAYS been erratic about turning off and on� at will, which speaks to me of maybe a short in the power supply and/or motherboard irregularities or maybe the power button switch or fan.�  My diagnosis is limited to personal experiences with various computer problems and having never encountered one like this; I'm not a tech.
Technical support deafly and deftly� informed me that the warranty on my new hard drive� doesn't cover my 'current system problem' and that I will have to *purchase*� support� before they will even answer questions.�  I'm not a corporation, but I've *purchased* 6 systems from Dell, all with just the included warranty, that I can not remember ever using,� and this is the first time in all these years of doing business with them that I've been treated so curtly, with no regard in the least for my loyalty to them and� past good word of mouth;� I'm frequently asked "What should I get?"
Have you learned anything, Marley2, that fixed your system� and might be� used� in solving my 'no power' problem?
I'm thankful for any help.
P.S. I'd be glad to share what I know about recovering data from a failed drive if that would be of use to you in the future.�  A Dell technician taught me,� back when Dell appreciated their loyal repeat customer and were willing to give as well as receive.
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