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This post is more than 5 years old


January 30th, 2012 14:00

Email alert not working and Alert Details


when i use the troubleshooting tool to sent a test email it works fine . i receive a email but when i use OME to send email i do not receive any emails .SMTP address is correct as when a do a test from it , it says successful

i have read in the forums that a few users are having this issue as well . Do we know when this is going to be resolved

Also another issue i am having is from the alert details

i am getting quite a lot of alerts with the following




Source...........................................Authentication Failure

Not sure why it picking up device address as

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

January 30th, 2012 14:00

Hi rastanz,

Yeah, known issue.  We put in a fix for the release that will come out in Q1.  You may review those other threads you mentioned again.  There might be a (unpleasant) workaround where you install a local SMTP server on the OME box.  The problem is related to account permissions in the sending of emails.  And a local SMTP server solves this in the meantime.  But yeah, fixed in the new version.

On the alert, take a look at FAQ #10.1 and see if it may be the same.



January 31st, 2012 18:00

Uncheck Send Authentication Trap in the SNMP setting on the Security tab.

1 Rookie


91 Posts

January 20th, 2015 05:00

Sorry for digging this old thread.

I get the " - authentication failure" traps (5 each days) and unable to determine where they come from. How can I do ?

I've checked the iDrac (6 and 7) of my  servers  and can't find that "security" tab.

I've 14 servers, 3 switch stack and 3 equallogic storage.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

January 20th, 2015 07:00

Hi there,

Can you review FAQ #10.2 and see if it might apply?



1 Rookie


91 Posts

January 20th, 2015 08:00


I have some iDrac 6 / 1.85 and iDrac 7 / 1.56

everthing is fine except a handful of daily SNMP traps from

January 20th, 2015 22:00


Do you have few devices in OME device tree classified as "Unknown"? Since you are receiving authentication failure traps, that means OME is trying to connect to targets with wrong SNMP community string. Also, since you are receiving these alerts on daily basis approximately at same time, the trigger point is OME's scheduled discovery/inventory/status polling. Once you are able to locate those devices and configure matching SNMP community string (at the device as well as OME's discovery range configuration), you won't receive authentication failure traps any more.

For the second point where source is determined as, OME's latest released version 2.0.1 addresses this. This is generally a failure of the agent not able to set the source agent IP address properly in the SNMP trap PDU.

Do let us know if the information helps in rectifying the issue.

January 20th, 2015 23:00

Seems like IPv6 addresses (collapsed) are set as source address in SNMP trap PDU. Please check if IPv4 is properly configured on these targets.

Thanks for updating the thread.

1 Rookie


91 Posts

January 20th, 2015 23:00


Thanks you all for trying to help.

Apart from those alerts everything is fine.

Following the upgrade to OME 2.0.1 the incriminated alerts are now reported from 2002:a067:eb05::a067:eb05.

And some alerts (such as "limk up") from my powerconnects 6248 are now reported as coming from ::1


1 Rookie


91 Posts

January 21st, 2015 00:00

We are not using ipv6 internaly whatsoever.

I've checked all tree PowerConnect stacks and confirm that ipv6 is disable globally.

snmp is set to send SNMPv2 traps from those.

So, the latter and recent ::1 unidentified source is a new problem.

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