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1 Rookie


4 Posts


April 9th, 2024 17:15

Appliance Resources are not sufficient to install or continue to run plugins

I recently deployed the latest Dell OpenManage enterprise 4.x.x on our KVM server.  Unfortunately, I've been stuck and unable to install some of the plugins we were running on our older version of OpenManage.  I keep receiving an error:  Appliance resources are not sufficient to either install or continue to run the power manager plugin.  The OME VM is not configured with enough disk space to support the plugin.  400 GB of disk space must be allocated to the vm to support the applaince and all plugins.  The VM has 0GB allocated, 400GB is required for the appliance and all other installed plugins.

Here's what I've tried so far:

I've run KVM Qemu Image Conversion and increased the size of the disk to 800gb instead of the deployed image size then when into the appliance and selected the option to scan for disk changes and increase the disk - but it doesn't do anything.

I've added a blank secondary disk to the VM and tried to have it scan for disks and increase the disk size, that didn't work either.

Has anyone figured out how to get this to work on KVM as of yet?  What am I missing?



3.3K Posts

April 10th, 2024 12:44

The issue you are facing is that the Dell OpenManage Enterprise (OME) virtual appliance requires at least 400GB of disk space to support the appliance and all installed plugins, but your current VM only has 0GB allocated.Based on the information provided in the search results, here is how you can resolve this problem:

  1. Increase the disk size of the OME virtual appliance:
    • You mentioned trying to increase the disk size using KVM Qemu Image Conversion and adding a secondary disk, but those methods did not work.
    • The recommended approach is to directly increase the disk size of the OME virtual appliance. This can be done through the hypervisor management interface (e.g., VMware vSphere, Hyper-V, or KVM) by expanding the virtual disk allocated to the OME VM.
    • Ensure that you allocate at least 400GB of disk space to the OME VM to support the appliance and all plugins.34
  2. Scan for disk changes and expand the file system:
    • After increasing the disk size, you need to scan for the disk changes and expand the file system within the OME virtual appliance.
    • The search results mention that there is an option within the OME appliance to "scan for disk changes and increase the disk", but this did not work for you.
    • If the automatic disk expansion does not work, you may need to manually expand the file system within the OME virtual appliance using Linux commands, such as resize2fs or lvextend.34
  3. Ensure the OME virtual appliance has sufficient resources:
    • In addition to disk space, the OME virtual appliance also requires sufficient CPU and memory resources to run the appliance and all plugins.
    • Verify that the OME VM is configured with adequate CPU and memory resources, as recommended by Dell for your environment.34

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "Appliance resources are not sufficient" error and successfully install the required plugins in your Dell OpenManage Enterprise 4.x.x deployment on your KVM server.








1 Rookie


4 Posts

April 11th, 2024 20:15

@Dell-Martin S​ It seems that even after expanding the disk with Qemu-Img to 900GB and running the appliance expansion option, it doesn't see the drive space.  How do I enable SSH access to the appliance to that I can manually run resize2fs or lvextend at you mentioned in bullet 2?



3.7K Posts

April 11th, 2024 20:45



You can add storage to it and use the TUI to detect that expanded storage for use.


1 Rookie


4 Posts

April 11th, 2024 22:08

@DELL-Charles R​ Tried that and unfortunately it doesn't detect the increased storage.  In my case I went from the 400gb appliance size to 900GB and it doesn't detect it at all.



4.1K Posts

April 12th, 2024 05:26

Hello the advice given is correct. So we need to look into if you're not doing this right or the appliance is broken. In this case you'll need a remote session with the team. SSH is not possible. It is not enabled by design. An scalation is needed to have it enabled. Base on the image, it is saying need 400GB, but you claim you already have 400GB so we definitely need to raise a proper case for a remote seesion. Pleae visit

1 Rookie


4 Posts

April 12th, 2024 15:12

@DELL-Young E​ Got it figured out.  The virtual machine must use a SATA or IDE interface controller - not a VIRTIO controller.  Then it repeating the process to find the disk and expand the volume worked after converting the controller to the right type.

1 Rookie


1 Message

July 15th, 2024 15:03

Hi - i have the Same Issue as  @tkay2001 . I have checked his statement but our VM SCSI is set to:

SCSI controller 0
Appliance resources are not sufficient to either install or continue to run the Power Manager plugin efficiently:
  • The OME VM is not configured with enough system memory to support this plugin (configured: 16 GB, claimed: 0 GB, required: 3 GB)
No Events found!
