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28 Posts


April 25th, 2022 03:00

Datadomain 3300 password problem

Hello there ;

I forgot the password of my Datadomain 3300. What should I do for solution?

2 Posts

May 1st, 2022 11:00


this article sums it up:

basically you have 2 options, for both of them you need to log a case with support so you can start there and support will help you out.

best regards,


May 16th, 2022 23:00

using a DD without support contract will get you stuck from DDOS 6.2 or thereabouts and beyond wrg to having a sysadmin account locked, as it will require a bash key to be provided (if you still have another admin user you can use, otherwise booting into single user mode is required (which also still needs the same BASH key to be provided by Dell support)) to get into the BASH shell.

The bash shell escape sequence of old, no longer works for DDOS6.2 and up. Officially it is stated to be about "protecting the customer from doing things that might destroy data" (*) however with the by-effect of not being able to fully manage the DD if running without support contract (as you will not be able to unlock the sysadmin account without support). So also the DD resell market might become less interesting, as then a possible re-install might have to be performed (which would require USB boot media, which is also not freely available, not even when having a support contract as it needs to be separately provided).

(*) I can't recall that many suppliers doing this for any other products preventing root/admin full control to do simple action like unlocking a root-like user.

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