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7 Posts


February 25th, 2022 03:00

data domain vs cloud boost

I need to save on my ECS storage. I read that I could use both data domain or cloud boost. I have only appliances. Correct? What is the difference?



February 27th, 2022 23:00

Hello N.,

please, can you elaborate more on your question?. Thx

7 Posts

March 2nd, 2022 10:00

to save on ECS from networker I need to use DDVE or cloudboost? thanks

2.4K Posts

March 3rd, 2022 03:00

If I understand you correctly, you want to use NetWorker to backup to disk (DD) and then clone or migrate to the ECS. This is the usual way.

BTW - if you recover, the save sets are following this way in reverse direction. In other words: If you recover, the data will be first copied to the DD. There is no direct way to read from an ECS. This is the older solution.

Using the Cloudboost Appliance you can directly backup to the cloud. This solution is newer. I would not say that it is more complicated but I can imagine a bunch of reasons why you should not use it. And btw - you will need an 'ordinary' disk backup anyway. So I would never install a backup solution which solely used Cloudboost.


March 24th, 2022 09:00

cloudboost was developed earlier by EMC at the time for cloud deployments (I believe the physical cloudboost appliance is no longer even purchasable for a couple of years now), whereas DD DDVE was only later made available for usage in the cloud.

So depends indeed if you go from on-prem into the cloud or are rather fully in the cloud? In full cloud deployments, we let go of Cloudboost in favor of DDVE in the cloud. This as nowadays both can use active tier object storage (ATOS), where the older DDVE releases couldn't yet.

As DDVE achieved better dedupe (at least at the time) and also when needing to clone data to another region or availability zone or whatever, NW CCR between the DD's reduces the amount of data needing to be send to the other DDVE compared to Cloudboost, which would need to fully hydrate the data and send it to the other cloudboost instance.

Also we nowadays clone from customer physical DD on-prem towards DDVE in the cloud.

But you use it differently anyways, by using ECS, so the Cloud tier part. That however requires either the DD or Cloudboost to remain available, while with NW CCR cloning from one DD to another DDVE in the cloud, you'd have two separate entities containing the backups. So if the local one is unavailable, you'd still have the one in the cloud.

And as was already said, you'd wanna have some data also locally for quick restores and not having to depend on internet connectivity for that.

Due to having much more (positive and much longer) experiences with DD compared to Cloudboost, we didn't mind letting go of Cloudboost in favor of DD(VE). Also had some issue with Cloudboost at the time, when it still had an internet facing component to be able to see dedupe statistics and perform maintenance activities like upgrades. That has all changed now, so no real hands-on anymore for them more recent Cloudboost versions...

So we'd pretty much always choose DD(VE).

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