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January 10th, 2017 11:00

Data Domain Migration to replace old system

We are planning to replace our old DD890 with a larger and newer DD9300. Currently we are using TSM as the backup server. What is the best possible way to replace the old system with new system with least amount of downtime ?

I am confused between using Storage migration vs Storage Replicator.

Has anyone used storage migration method ? At what point we need to take downtime ? How can i make TSM recognize new DD ? Any steps will be appreciated.

Cli Command :

storage migration start source-enclosures 7:2 destination-enclosures 7:4

208 Posts

January 11th, 2017 11:00


Sorry this is long but I can see you have some terminology mixed up here.

DD890 is a Data Less Head, so you can headswap (controller upgrade) the DD890 to be a DD9300, since that is also a DLH model.

Dataless because it has only the DDOS on the controller and not backup data.

If it wasn't a DLH model, you would need to migrate the 'data' to another DD system, to do this, I prefer collection replication, this requires a replication license, the alternative is a system migration (not storage migration), it does not need a replication license because it's just for this process only.

Collection replication is a method to essentially have a dedicated second DD system for DR purposes, if site A goes down, you can flip to the DD on site B with a couple of config tweaks - you can just make use of this process for data/system migration from one old DD to a new one.

Now... "storage migration" that's something else, if your DD890 has ES20 shelves, these are EOL, so you will need to migrate those shelves to new supported shelves after the controller upgrade, like to a DS60 or ES30 SAS shelf.

Storage migration will copy one shelf to another (one shelf takes maybe 2-3 days?) and then you 'finalize' the process, the FS restarts (takes about 10 minutes) and the old ES20 is now out of the config, backups continue during the storage migration.

IMHO - from what you've said;

You should be doing a controller upgrade (headswap), it's probably about 6-7 hours of outage, you have VTL, so spoofing the WWPN's takes a little more time but you will get a new controller back after the upgrade with no need to change zoning or device assignment and just carry on with BAU.

Any ES20's that are present can then be storage migrated to new shelves.



1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

January 11th, 2017 04:00

How is TSM talking to DD ?  VTL or device class "file" and writing to CIFS/NFS ?

January 11th, 2017 10:00

Currently its configured to use VTL and writing to CIFS.

I am confused between using Collection replication or Storage Migration approach.

January 11th, 2017 12:00

Thanks Jonathan for detailed reply,

I'm just getting my feet into backup environment, our SAN team and backup team were combined and we were forced to manage backups as well.

I am pretty sure they have old ES20 shelves on DD890. I will suggest your procedure to the team.

1) Upgrade controllers to new ones.

2) Make sure new controllers are working with TSM.

3) Install new DS60 shelf

4) Perform storage migration between old ES20 and DS60 shelves.

5) Remove old shelf.

208 Posts

January 11th, 2017 13:00

You got it spot on - welcome to backups

January 12th, 2017 09:00

We have got a problem with the above approach. Controller upgrade takes a lot of downtime ( around 8-10 hours). Business doesn't allow us this.

We are planning to setup new DD9300 as a seperate system and replicate from existing DD890. Once directory replication is done, take downtime to perform the cutover. Anything wrong with this approach ? How much of an effort does it require on TSM side ?

208 Posts

January 13th, 2017 08:00

I don't think it will take as long as that but I understand and it would depend on how familiar your engineer was with the process.

You are probably using Mtree's not directory but you will need to do some work on zoning, setting up your new devices, tape drives etc...

It's probably going to be quite a manual activity on your part.

In theory, if your backup retention is quite low, you could just start sending new backups to the new DD and allow the old ones to expire naturally on the old DD890 and then just retire it.

If you have any existing ES30 SATA shelves, you won't be able to use them on the new DD9300 because they are only supported when part of a controller upgrade - so all your existing hardware will be of no use to you - maybe this is OK.

If you ever planned to use DD HA (High availablility) this wouldn't be possible unless you ONLY has ES30 SAS shelves and/or DS60's anyway.

This could be a good opportunity to just move to the more dense DS60 shelves.

There are many ways to choose from, hopefully this helps you decide.

Regards, Jonathan

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

January 13th, 2017 18:00

so you are using VTL correct ?  What is your retention ? If retention is relatively short you could zone TSM server to the new DD, create new device class/pool in TSM and start writing to the new area and let the other one age out.

January 16th, 2017 15:00

Yes, we are using VTL. Current retention is more than 6 months and they need to migrate all data as new purchase contract involves swapping old systems for discount. So, this is the current plan.

1)To setup new DataDomain 9300 with DS60 shelves and redirect backups to new system.

2) Move old shelves (ES30) and add them to new DD system.

3) Start shelf migration between ES30 and DS60.

Does the above approach sound right ?

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

January 16th, 2017 21:00

you are going to take shelves from one DD and add them to another DD ?  New DD will have no idea what's on those shelves/drives.

208 Posts

January 17th, 2017 00:00

As Dynamox says, it's not that straightforward.

The DD860 has ES30 SATA shelves, the DD9300 will only accept them being attached as part of a controller upgrade because they are 'grandfathered' over as part the controller upgrade.

Honestly, I think the business should take the outage for the controller upgrade, you can get all the pain over and done with in one hit, then, when complete, you can add your DS60's to the config and increase your capacity.

Maybe you can divert backups elsewhere temporarily if you can't take the ~8 hours outage or so?

Also, shelf migration is only possible from the original system to move live data from one shelf to another and you can't connect DS60's to the DD860, it won't support them.

Regards, Jonathan

January 17th, 2017 10:00

Understood, i will gather more info on what exactly the expectation of this project is and then i will go ahead with either replicating to new datadomain or perform controller upgrade followed by shelf addition and shelf migration. Thanks for your thoughts so far. I will get back on this as i get more info.

35 Posts

September 18th, 2017 04:00

TSM talks to the DD as VTL no ddboost  employed.

19 Posts

September 18th, 2017 07:00

why not just replicate DD890 VTL pool and make tapes available on new DD9300 VTL?

would just need to logically move tapes around and re-inventory TSM.



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