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April 7th, 2016 15:00

System Mechanic and Dell Support and Sales in general.

I just read another forum post from back in 2013 from another Dell client that echoes what I am about to say perfectly. I would like to start off by saying that contrary to how this post may SOUND, I am NOT prejudiced. But I am sick of everything being so "politically correct" that you don't dare say anything about bad service, either. SO here goes.

I called yesterday to extend my Premium Warranty on a Dell Alienware 15 laptop that has frankly been a total piece of junk from day one. Incredibly disappointing experience, and a real letdown, as I had wanted one for gaming for many years, and as I am disabled and living on a very VERY low, very FIXED income, it was a huge expenditure for me.

I spent THREE hours on the phone, getting shuffled from person to person to person, and sitting on hold. EVERY single person I spoke with had a very fast, very heavy Indian (??) accent. Not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, and realizing quickly that there were no alternatives, as everyone there was of the same nationality, I tried to muddle through. What resulted was high pressure sales tactics, misinformation and a LOT of confusion. 

I was told that to extend my warranty one year would be $279. "Fine, please do so, thank you."

Then began the sales pitch. Offering a deal on warranty is fine, and I appreciate it, but the super fast, almost unintelligible, hard core sales pitch, that felt like being pressed against a wall with flying bayonets, was NOT. "Two years for $300." (GREAT DEAL). "THREE years for $100 more!" Still a very good deal, but we are approaching way too much expenditure, considering I had just had to order a new keyboard and mouse to replace the two new ones I have, that were... well the keyboard is fairly ok, but the mouse went completely AWOL. As in, the middle mouse button does not even register. But I digress. It was getting expensive. He went on and on and on, until I said "Look, I asked you four times if this warranty is PREMIUM, the same as I have now, and if it will be transferrable, should I have to have this computer replaced, or upgrade/purchase a new computer! You have repeatedly glossed over or evaded my questions!" I was told, YES, it is transferrable to ANY computer and yes it is Premium. (I have no car and am disabled, so I need that level). I finally gave in and agreed just to get him to shut up; my head was already pounding from the stress and trying to understand him.

After I thought it was finally over, he pops up with "You need to extend the System Mechanic as well." WHAT?!?! Yes, he explained, the system shipped with System Mechanic already on it, which is a mass cure all for everything that ails you. If that is the case, in hind thought, then WHY does my computer have so many issues?!? But  you don't have a chance to think, let alone interject any reasonable questions, as the rapid fire sales pitch continues. I tried to ask why I never knew this was on my computer. "It came built into it." I asked how do I use it? How do I access it? I don't want something on my computer unbeknownst to me, that I cannot set options for, read reports, run on command, etc. "You don't access it; there are no options; it is built into the system but covers everything and keeps  you safe and protected and is better than antivirus, better than malware protection, better than all of them; it is one great protection in all! You have it on there but if you don't extend it....." BAM! Another charge.

Today, after I finally got the headache to subside and had time to think, I remember the email that came from Dell, stating I have to DOWNLOAD this SOFTWARE. I Googled System Mechanic, and came up with an entire list of forum posts about how this is spammy, "snake oil" software put out by Iolo Technologies, it is JUNK, will mess your computer up so badly, it won't run with Firefox if at all, etc etc... the list was fascinatingly long. MAJOR complaints about this product that, btw, is released FREE, as it is such junk.

So in conclusion, here are my thoughts. Dell is untrustworthy. They should send reminders on warranty expiration dates so you don't get knocked flat. If I purchase my computer (and keyboard, mouse, USB thumb drives, router, mousepad, business printer, headphones, etc etc etc, ALL from Dell) in the UNITED STATES, where my FIRST language is English, then I would appreciate NOT having to "press one for English" and STILL be forced to go through what I just did with a team of sales/tech support/billing, etc associates ALL LOCATED in India! If Dell is so much into financial ruin that it must outsource to India for their phone support, I am not surprised at the quality of the things I have purchased from them. I am disappointed. The high pressure sales tactics are NOT appreciated, especially for unneeded and inferior "products." People who can listen respectfully, answer clearly and concisely in an informative manner, who understand precisely what YOU are asking for, or describing WOULD be appreciated.

For all the Indian people out there, I apologize; this is not directed at you or your country, but at lackadaisical care shown by Dell towards its clients.

P.S. I am NOT downloading that subpar, suspicious and buggy software offered free all over the Internet. I will not PAY for it either. I will not discuss using it, until someone from Dell who grew up with English as their FIRST language, can show me where this is better than, or different to, what I am seeing all over the Internet with a simple search. Thank you.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

April 11th, 2016 12:00

Hi Stormravyn, 

Thanks for posting your comments and observations on the Dell Community Forum Customer Care Board. We appreciate anyone who will take the time to relate their customer experience. 

Dell is a global corporation, and to take advantage of the growing pool of expertise and resources outside of the United States, Dell has expanded its call-center operations into different parts of the world, including Canada, Malaysia, the Philippines, and India.  I am sorry if you encountered a language barrier while working with any of our representatives.  We realize that verbal communication is the cornerstone of quality telephone support, and we strive to offer every customer the most effective assistance available.  

Dell offers our customers various ways to receive support. For future reference, in addition to calling Dell Customer Care 1-800-624-9897, you may also contact Dell directly online at or chat live with a Dell expert

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Business customers are invited to use the Dell TechDirect online tool to request technical support and replacement parts. Tech Direct

Regarding your comments concerning the Dell System Mechanic. You are not required to purchase this software. It is offered by Dell as an easy way to boost your computer speed and repair problems for better performance. System Mechanic Professional also includes System Shield antivirus and antispyware protection as well as whole home license, so all the computers in your home can benefit. 

I hope this information is helpful. Should you need additional assistance, please feel free to post your comments on the appropriate Dell Community Forum Board for your system model. 


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