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1 Rookie


1 Message


September 29th, 2024 13:42

Extremely disgusting service of dell

Extremely Disappointed with Dell Inspiron Laptop and Customer Support

I am extremely frustrated and heartbroken with my recent experience with Dell. I purchased a brand-new Dell Inspiron laptop, only to have its motherboard crash after just 1 month and 3 days. The laptop completely stopped powering on, and I was left with nothing but a dead piece of hardware after barely a month of usage.

When I reached out to Dell, hoping for a replacement or even a solution, I was told that because it exceeded their 1-month policy by just 3 days, they wouldn’t replace it. Three days! Dell, is this how little you value your customers? Just because of an inhumane policy, I now have to deal with a faulty laptop that I paid good money for?

To make matters worse, when I contacted Dell's customer support, the representative was completely indifferent to my problem. Instead of understanding the situation and showing goodwill, she just repeated scripted responses as if she couldn’t care less. Where is the empathy? Where is the effort to help a loyal customer in distress? The entire experience felt robotic and heartless.

Dell, I expected better from you. A company of your stature should have the decency to support customers, especially when it’s such a close margin. I will never purchase or recommend another Dell product again, and I hope others think twice before investing in a company that clearly has no respect for customer satisfaction.

I am deeply disappointed, both with the product and the unprofessional behavior of your call center representatives. Dell, you’ve lost a customer for life.

Community Manager


271 Posts

September 29th, 2024 13:42

Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. I am your Dell-Cares contact for order related queries. Unfortunately, our customer service is currently unavailable. We are available Monday through Friday. Please reach out to us on any of these days and we will be glad to assist you. Thanks for being a loyal Dell Technologies customer.

10 Elder


24.9K Posts

September 29th, 2024 14:20

Rather than ranting, you might  consider arranging the repair the system needs.

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