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1 Rookie


1 Message


June 18th, 2024 20:27

Computer not fixed, Dell keeps asking for more money

Good Afternoon,
I hope this email reaches someone that could help. Early last month, my son noticed his computer no longer had an icon to connect to the internet. All other parts were working fine. I reached out to Dell Technologies for technical support. Since my son's computer is out of warranty, I had to pay out of pocket. I made several phone calls to Dell technical support before deciding to ship the computer to Dell Depot for repairs, as they were unable to conduct the repair over the phone. I was told the computer needed a web card/internet card and the repair would cost me $49 plus shipping. I found out after I shipped the computer, the repair would be nearly $500. After paying $304, Dell sent another email saying they needed another $176. At this point, I could have purchased another computer. As I mentioned, everything on the computer was working fine with the exception of internet connection. My first problem is that, Dell Technologies is unresponsive to customers. I have tried to get clear information on what is needed to repair the computer. No such luck. I simply get a quote requesting more money be sent. Before I paid the $304, I was told a diagnostic test was done on the computer and these are the parts needed for the repair. Thinking that would be it, I received another quote for additional money. When I called Dell, the person told me to ignore that quote. Something seemed a bit off, so I requested a call from a supervisor. The supervisor tells me that the $304 might fix the problem.  They may need more money. It's been nearly a month since I first reached out to Dell. It has been a never ending money hole. I feel stuck at this point. Do I keep sending money for repairs or give up and purchase another computer.  If I purchase another computer, I lose over $300. Should I trust Dell that this will be the last amount needed to repair? If I take this route, Dell could request more funds are needed. Considering I don't have the additional funds Dell is requesting, I'll have to wait until I can save up the funds. Dell should be more upfront with their customers. If Dell was upfront with all that is needed to repair the computer, I could have avoided this situation. I am so angry about how I was treated. I feel so taken advantage of by Dell. AWFUL.
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