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1 Rookie


1 Message


June 18th, 2024 22:40


It is beyond words. I hope that by sharing my story here, someone will finally address my issue. I purchased a one-piece computer for £1,500 on March 26, which was supposed to be delivered the next day. However, the computer was never delivered due to UPS internal problem. Despite numerous attempts to resolve the issue through customer service, I encountered only delays and misinformation. I finally received a refund today after three months, but only because I raised a dispute with my bank American Express, not because of any action from Dell.

Dell’s customer service repeatedly assured me that the case was being escalated and they were checking with UPS, yet the issue remained unresolved for three months.

I experienced lie after lie when dealing with customer service. Why should the customer endure such stress, and how can Dell justify holding my funds for three months?



25.4K Posts

June 18th, 2024 22:50

Thank you for contacting Dell. We have sent you a private message. Please share the order details via private message so that we can review the information.

1 Rookie


11 Posts

June 18th, 2024 23:43

@Yilan I can relate to your customer experience, as I've had a similar case. They repeatedly respond with the same message, like "please allow us 2-3 business days," even after the case has been escalated. They ask you to wait for another team to respond, and they make up lies and delays that only prolong your case and make it worse. This is what Dell's customer support has become now, some of the worst I've experienced.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

June 19th, 2024 12:55

My colleague also lost her purchase from Dell 3 months ago. She actually bought Dell because of my recommendation. She is actually unable to get her money back because the bank disapproved her dispute. And Dell customer service has been refusing to do anything to help her. Obviously the brand is also hated by its staff, because they don't care.

I am very interested about how you get your money back from the bank. It would be great if we could connect. <Your private data removed from public view to protect you. DELL-Admin>

Thank you!



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