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September 28th, 2013 19:00

The most frequently used commands for troubleshooting a Cisco MDS switch

The most frequently used commands for troubleshooting a Cisco MDS switch


  • Common commands for troubleshooting a Cisco MDS switch.
  • How to troubleshoot Cisco MDS switches by command line?
  • Detailing the outputs of the commands when troubleshooting a Cisco SAN switch.

Detailed Information

1.     Check switch port

show interface fc1/1

Check the specific port’s status, WWN, settings and TX/RX counts


MDS9222i-1# show interface fc1/1

     fc1/1 is trunking                                                                             - port fc1/1 is working normally, it’s a TE port

    Hardware is Fibre Channel, SFP is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN)     - port, SFP hardware information

    Port WWN is 20:01:00:05:73:ad:2a:00                                              - switch port’s WWN

    Peer port WWN is 20:01:00:05:73:ad:26:00                                       - port port’s WWN

    Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on                                        - port mode

    snmp link state traps are enabled                                                                        

    Port mode is TE

    Port vsanis 4                                                                                  - port VSAN number

    Speed is 4 Gbps

    Rate mode is dedicated

    Transmit B2B Credit is 250

    Receive B2B Credit is 250

    B2B State Change Number is 14                                                      - B2B SCR number

    Receive data field Size is 2112

    Beacon is turned off

    Belongs to port-channel 1                                                                 - this port belongs to port-channel 1

    Trunk vsans(admin allowed and active) (4)

    Trunk vsans(up)                       (4)

    Trunk vsans(isolated)                 ()

    Trunk vsans(initializing)             ()

    5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec                   - input rate statistics in 5 minutes

    5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec                 - output rate statistics in 5 minutes

      7468 frames input, 517940 bytes                                                      - total statistics, no error

        0 discards, 0 errors

        0 CRC,  0unknown class

       0 too long, 0 too short

      9141 frames output, 380372 bytes                                                    - total statistics, some discarded frames

        3210 discards, 0 errors

      330 input OLS, 240 LRR, 36 NOS, 57 loop inits                                 - Primitive frame statistics

      340 output OLS, 271 LRR, 156 NOS, 19 loop inits

      250 receive B2B credit remaining                                                      - B2B buffer information

      250 transmit B2B credit remaining

      235 low priority transmit B2B credit remaining

Interface last changed at Fri Sep  7 10:59:02 2012                                   - the time when the port last changed

2.     Check port status

showinterface brief

Interface                             - port name

vsan                                       - port VSAN number

Admin Mode                     - port mode

Admin Trunk mode         - port trunk mode

Status                                   - port status

SFP Mode                           - SFP information

OperSpeed                        - port speed

Port Channel                      - port channel number


MDS9222i-1# show interface brief


Interface  Vsan   Admin  Admin   Status          SFP    Oper  Oper   Port

                  Mode   Trunk                          Mode  Speed  Channel

                         Mode                                 (Gbps)


fc1/1      4      auto   on      trunking         swl    TE      4    1

fc1/2      1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/3      1      FX     on      up               swl    F       4    --

fc1/4      4094   FX     on      down             swl    --           --

fc1/5      1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/6      1      FX     on      init             swl    --           --

fc1/7      4      auto   on      trunking         swl    TE      4    1

fc1/8      1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/9      1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/10     4094   FX     on      inactive         swl    --           --

fc1/11     1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/12     1      FX     on      sfpAbsent        --     --           --

fc1/13     1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/14     1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/15     1     FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/16     1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/17     1      FX     on      notConnected     swl    --           --

fc1/18     1      FX     on      notConnected     swl   --           --


Interface                Status                            Speed



sup-fc0                  up                                1


Interface          Status   IP Address               Speed        MTU


vsan1                 up    --                       1 Gbps       1500

vsan2                 up    --                       1 Gbps       1500

vsan3                 up    --                       1 Gbps       1500

3.     Fcping


Fcping is like the "ping" command in Ethernet. It can be used to check the link status especially the latency between switch ports.


MDS9222i-1# fcping fcid 0x7500ef vsan 1 count 4              - try to ping for 4 times, the remote port is 0x7500ef in VSAN 1

28 bytes from  0x7500ef  time = 1283 usec

28 bytes from  0x7500ef  time = 1256 usec

28 bytes from  0x7500ef  time = 1256 usec

28 bytes from  0x7500ef  time = 1243 usec

4 frames sent, 4 frames received, 0 timeouts

Round-trip min/avg/max = 1243/1259/1283 usec                   - The minimum, average and maximum latency are 1243us, 1259us, and 1283us

4.     Switch status


show environment [clock|power|fan|temperature] command can be used to check the status of switch’s clock, power supply, fans, temperature sensorsYou can use the parameters to check the specific components.


MDS9222i-1# show environment

Clock:                                                                                 - Clock module. Every switch as two, one active, one standby.In this sample, both the Clock A and B are Ok.


Clock           Model                Hw         Status


A                                    0.0        Ok/Active

B                                    0.0        Ok/Standby

Fan:                                                                                     - Fan module is normal. Each switch has three fans. One is built in the chassis. Each power supply has one.


Fan             Model                Hw         Status


ChassisFan1     DS-2SLOT-FAN         4.0        Ok 

Fan_in_PS1      --                   --         Ok            

Fan_in_PS2      --                   --         Ok            

Fan Air Filter : NotSupported

Temperature:                                                                          - Inlet and outlet temperature.


Module   Sensor        MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status

                       (Celsius)     (Celsius)    (Celsius)        


1        Outlet1         75              60          38         Ok            

1       Outlet2         75              65          45         Ok            

1        Intake1         65              50          27         Ok            

Power Supply:                                                                          - Power supply module is Ok. Total voltage is 42V. There are two power supply modules and each provides 800W power.  Current ampere is 19.05A (42*19.05=800.1).

Voltage: 42 Volts


PS  Model                Power       Power     Status

                         (Watts)     (Amp)         


1   DS-CAC-845W           800.10     19.05     Ok                 

2   DS-CAC-845W           800.10     19.05     Ok

5.     Check switch overall status

show hardware


MDS9222i-1# show hardware |less

Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software

TAC support:


Copyright (c) 2002-2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by

other third parties and are used and distributed under license.

Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public

License. A copy of the license is available at

Software                                                                                             - firmware information

  BIOS:      version 1.0.19

  loader:    version N/A

  kickstart: version 5.0(4b)

  system:    version 5.0(4b)                                                                   - firmware version, usually it should be the same as kickstart’s.

  BIOS compile time:       02/01/10

  kickstartimage file is: bootflash:/m9200-s2ek9-kickstart-mz.5.0.4b.bin

  kickstartcompile time:  11/16/2010 23:00:00 [01/13/2011 15:06:13]

  system image file is:    bootflash:/m9200-s2ek9-mz.5.0.4b.bin

  system compile time:     11/16/2010 23:00:00 [01/13/2011 16:19:01]

Hardware                                                                                            - switch model

  Cisco MDS 9222i ("4x1GE IPS, 18x1/2/4Gbps FC/Sup2")

  Motorola, e500v2  with 1036300 kBof memory.

Processor Board ID JAF1446AQAJ

  Device name: MDS9222i-1                                                                  - switch name

  bootflash:    1023120 kB

Kernel uptime is 13 day(s), 19 hour(s), 45 minute(s), 45 second(s)

Last reset

  Reason: Unknown

  System version:



Switch hardware ID information


Switch is booted up

  Switch type is :MDS 9222i

  Model number is DS-C9222I-K9

  H/W version is 1.1

  Part Number is 73-11019-01                                                                - switch part number

  Part Revision is B0

  Manufacture Date is Year 14 Week 38

  Serial number is FOX1438GH5A                                                           - switch serial number

CLEI code is COM9310ARA


Chassis has 2 Module slots


Module1  ok

  Module type is :4x1GE IPS, 18x1/2/4Gbps FC/Sup2

  0 submodulesare present

  Model number is DS-X9222I-K9

  H/W version is 1.5

  Part Number is 73-11018-09

  Part Revision is A0

  Manufacture Date is Year 14 Week 46

  Serial number is JAF1446AQAJ


Module2  empty


Chassis has 2 PowerSupply Slots                                                         - power supply information


PS1 ok

  Power supply type is: 800.10W 110v AC

  Model number is DS-CAC-845W

  H/W version is 1.2

  Part Number is 341-0052-03

  Part Revision is B0

  Manufacture Date is Year 14 Week 47

  Serial number is QCS144710PL


PS2 ok

  Power supply type is: 800.10W 110v AC

  Model number is DS-CAC-845W

  H/W version is 1.2

  Part Number is 341-0052-03

  Part Revision is B0

  Manufacture Date is Year 14 Week 47

  Serial number is QCS144710RJ



Chassis has 1 Fan slots


Fan1 ok

  Model number is DS-2SLOT-FAN

  H/W version is 4.0

  Part Number is 800-24478-02

  Part Revision is B0

  Manufacture Date is Year 14 Week 31

  Serial number is DCH143100S5



Chassis has 1 Interface slot


  Interface module ok

  Model number is DS-X9222-MGT

  H/W version is 1.0

  Part Number is 73-11488-02

  Part Revision is A0

  Manufacture Date is Year 14 Week 44

  Serial number is JAF1444BJMQ

  CLEI code is 0

6.     Check switch logs

      You can use show logging [logfile|nvram] command to view switch logs and the messages in NVRAM.


MDS9222i-2# show logging nvram

2013 Aug 27 21:42:26 MDS9222i-2 %SYSLOG-1-SYSTEM_MSG : System logs in NVRAM cleared by user

2013 Aug 28 09:30:52 MDS9222i-2 %ZONE-2-ZS_MERGE_FULL_DATABASE_MISMATCH: %$VSAN 1%$ Zone merge full database mismatch on interface port-channel 1

2013 Aug 28 12:49:57 MDS9222i-2 %LICMGR-2-LOG_LIC_NO_LIC: No license(s) present for feature ENTERPRISE_PKG. Application(s) shut down in 57 days.

2013 Aug 28 12:49:57 MDS9222i-2 %CALLHOME-2-EVENT: LICENSE_ALERT

2013 Aug 29 12:50:01 MDS9222i-2 %LICMGR-2-LOG_LIC_NO_LIC: No license(s) present for feature ENTERPRISE_PKG. Application(s) shut down in 56 days.

2013 Aug 29 12:50:01 MDS9222i-2 %CALLHOME-2-EVENT: LICENSE_ALERT

2013 Aug 30 12:50:09 MDS9222i-2 %LICMGR-2-LOG_LIC_NO_LIC: No license(s) present for feature ENTERPRISE_PKG. Application(s) shut down in 55 days.

2013 Aug 30 12:50:09 MDS9222i-2 %CALLHOME-2-EVENT: LICENSE_ALERT

2013 Aug 31 12:50:10 MDS9222i-2 %LICMGR-2-LOG_LIC_NO_LIC: No license(s) present for feature ENTERPRISE_PKG. Application(s) shut down in 54 days.

2013 Aug 31 12:50:10 MDS9222i-2 %CALLHOME-2-EVENT: LICENSE_ALERT

2013 Sep  1 12:50:11 MDS9222i-2 %LICMGR-2-LOG_LIC_NO_LIC: No license(s) present for feature ENTERPRISE_PKG. Application(s) shut down in 53 days.

7.     Check zone settings

      Use show zoneset [active|vsan] to check zonesetinformation.  It can be the effective zones or specific zones.


MDS9222i-2# show zoneset active

zoneset name v20zsnew vsan 20

  zone name v20z1 vsan 20

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:88

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:85

  zone name v20z2 vsan 20

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:86

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:87

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:00

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:01

  zone name v20z3 vsan 20

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:81

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:82

  zone name v20z4 vsan 20

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:81

    pwwn 10:00:00:05:1e:57:10:82

8.     Check FLOGI

      Use show flogi database command to check device FLOGI information.


MDS9222i-1# show flogi database


INTERFACE        VSAN    FCID           PORT NAME               NODE NAME      


fc1/3              1     0x7500ef  50:06:01:64:3c:e0:32:e7 50:06:01:60:bc:e0:32:e7

sup-fc0          1     0x750000  10:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:01 20:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:00

sup-fc0          2     0x0a0000  10:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:01 20:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:00

sup-fc0          3     0x8b0000  10:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:01 20:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:00

sup-fc0          4     0xc00000  10:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:01 20:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:00

The output includes VSAN, FCID, port WWN, node WWN. Fc1/3 is the port, sup-fc0 is the inbandmanagement port, each VSAN has one.

9.     Check Name Server

      Use show fcnsdatabase [vsan number] to check device PLOGI information.


MDS9222i-1# show fcns database vsan 1



FCID        TYPE  PWWN                    (VENDOR)        FC4-TYPE:FEATURE


0x750000    N     10:00:00:05:73:ad:2a:01 (Cisco)         ipfc

0x7500ef    N     50:06:01:64:3c:e0:32:e7 (Clariion)      scsi-fcp:target

VSAN 1 has two NAME Sever records. 0X750000 is for inbandmanagement by Cisco. 0x7500ef is one of the CLARiiON’s frond-end ports.

10.  Reset port

Shutdown                           - disable port

noshutdown                     - enable port



MDS9222i-2# conf t

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

MDS9222i-2(config)# intfc1/3

MDS9222i-2(config-if)# shutdown

MDS9222i-2(config-if)# no shutdown


                                                                                                                   Author: Roger



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