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March 11th, 2011 05:00

configuring 9124's.

I just configured (2) 9124 switches and have all the cables in place.

I zoned 3 ESX server's and everything logged into the clariion and I was able to add disk to it.

Now I am trying to add disk to a Red hat box and even after zoning the wwn's are not logging into the clariion.

Not sure what is wrong with this.

Also I noticed that when I open a fabric I see a red cross on the switch to which all the hosts show up as end devices and there is another switch with the same name with nothing connected to it. The only time I have seen this before is when there are multiple switches in the fabric and the passwords are not the same. We just have 1 switch here so not sure what the issue is.

Any ideas??

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

May 15th, 2011 08:00

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

March 11th, 2011 05:00

delete fabric in Fabric Managera and re-discover it.

134 Posts

March 11th, 2011 05:00

First thing I tried was that. No luck,

71 Posts

April 11th, 2011 22:00


Please provide a SAN diagram, as in how both the 9124 are connected, are they in one single fabric or two distinct fabrics. With the description you have given, it seems that you have two switches in the same fabric and there are some parameters which need to be unique, but are not, thus resulting in a fabric segmentation. This leads to a similar result what you are facing as the end devices (Host & Storage) are connected to the two segments of the fabric and one segment may not communicate to the other segment. However this is just a possibility with the inputs you have given, we need to look into details before coming to any conclusions.

134 Posts

April 19th, 2011 08:00

Sorry for not getting back earlier.

We just have 1 switch per fabric. This is an isolated SAN we use in our warehouse data center.

It is a small 9124 switch with 2 fiber connections and 4 host connections going into each one.


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

April 19th, 2011 10:00

did you get the hosts to login to the switch ?

134 Posts

April 21st, 2011 06:00

yeah all the hosts are logged in and online. I have zoned/assigned disk to them also.

71 Posts

April 29th, 2011 01:00


Apologies for the delayed response, if the host HBA and the Clarion ports are logging in to the switch in the same VSAN and are zoned properly then they should be visible to each other. As far as the switch is concerned it should not hinder their ways. The red x in the fabric manager may come up due to some health issue in the switch. You can try fctrace to determine if the path is existing between the devices or not. Log may have to be looked into for the issue in switch, so its better that at this point you raise a case with support for same.


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

May 4th, 2011 06:00

iflaas wrote:

I just configured (2) 9124 switches and have all the cables in place.

I zoned 3 ESX server's and everything logged into the clariion and I was able to add disk to it.

Now I am trying to add disk to a Red hat box and even after zoning the wwn's are not logging into the clariion.

Not sure what is wrong with this.

Also I noticed that when I open a fabric I see a red cross on the switch to which all the hosts show up as end devices and there is another switch with the same name with nothing connected to it. The only time I have seen this before is when there are multiple switches in the fabric and the passwords are not the same. We just have 1 switch here so not sure what the issue is.

Any ideas??

bug , wait for next Fabric Manager version

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