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1 Rookie


3 Posts


May 17th, 2024 15:05

Trying to understand how to use data progression

I have two disk groups created in the SCV3020 bay: the first one consists of SAS disks and the second one of SSD disks. I need to add 10TB of data, but I'm afraid of reaching SSD disk storage saturation. I need to ensure that the data will be written at the SAS level since the SSD has insufficient space.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

May 17th, 2024 15:14

If your SC is licensed for DataProgression?
What is the current storage profile for your volumes?  I ask because within a multi Tier setup and with the default profile the writes goes automaticly into the next Tier when Tier 1 is full.

Also we use dataprogression on demand which means we use snapshot to force moving blocks from Tier 1 into the next and not after 12 days.


1 Rookie


3 Posts

17-05-2024 15:38 PM

@ Origin3k  I have the multi-tiering storage profile, and if the storage array doesn't have Data Progression licensing, the writes don't automatically tier up when the first tier is full, right?

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