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1 Rookie


1 Message


May 13th, 2024 07:28

SC replace disk but show two same disk name

Dear all

Last week,I repalce disk in SC with the web step by step.

After  I replace disk,there are two same disk name in SC like photo.

How should I reslove for this question?

Delete disk name which status is down?

Thanks for help.



2.3K Posts

May 13th, 2024 13:31


In the case of SC series, it is important to ensure that the replacement hard drive has the appropriate firmware. This means that there is a possibility of having an incorrect firmware version on the hard drive. Deleting it could cause problems with the storage pool or virtual disks it was part of. The old, faulty disk might not have been properly decommissioned during the replacement process.


Hope that helps!

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

May 13th, 2024 22:57

We got this also. Support tell us that this is some hidden meta data and clean it up.


1 Rookie


7 Posts

July 6th, 2024 00:21

This is a slight hiccup in the system that happens sometimes. 

Simply put there is a "ghost drive" hanging around. But getting id of it is really easy: 

Look at both drives' tabs, in the top left corner will be the "Index". Find the one with the lower Index ID, that's the old failed drive.  (It will most likely be the one that still has the red X, but it's best practice to double check) 

You can then just right click it in the list and remove/delete. (Just make sure you are deleting the one with the LOWER Index ID. ) 

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