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This post is more than 5 years old


June 14th, 2017 21:00

I am able to ping IP address of Clariion CX-480 but not able to access Navisphere GUI


I am able to ping IP address of Controller. But Navisphere GUI is not working.

Please suggest what might be the problem?

1 Rookie


108 Posts

June 15th, 2017 01:00

What was the error when trying to reach Navisphere ?

June 15th, 2017 02:00

Hi saran,

Thanks for your reply

Error is


Unable to connect

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at


But I am able to ping IP address.

4.5K Posts

June 15th, 2017 09:00

See if you can log into the setup page - IP_Address_SPA/setup - use the same username/password you use to log into Unisphere. If you can get there, then find the Restart Management Server and click on Restart Management server. Wait for about 5 minutes, then try to log back into SPA.

Also, I would use IE and make sure you have the correct version of JAVA installed on your PC. The best one for CX4 is version 1.6.30.


June 15th, 2017 23:00

Thanks glen,

But I am unable to login to setup page too and it is not working in IE too.

4.5K Posts

June 16th, 2017 07:00

OK - that normally means that the Management Server on the SP's has stopped working. For CLARiiON CX4 and earlier there is no easy way to get the Management Server to restart if you can't get to the setup page. The only option is to reboot each SP one at a time, waiting for each one to come back up before you reboot the other one.

Check the Navispher/Unisphere CLI guide and look for the "rebootsp" or "rebootpeersp" commands. You can use those to reboot each SP in turn.

This command reboots one or both SPs. If you omit switches, the current SP is rebooted. You send the command to the SP you want to reboot

rebootSP [-both] [-o]

To reboot each SP use this:

naviseccli -h IP_Address_SPA

naviseccli -h IP_Address_SPB

Note: If rebootSP is executed while I/O processes are active, I/O errors may occur and/or the Unisphere

agent process may hang. If the agent process hangs, you must reboot the host on which the Unisphere

agent is running. If you are binding LUNs assigned to one SP, you should not reboot the peer SP until

the binding process has completed. Otherwise, until the binding process is completed, you will see

error messages each time the SP is polled. If write cache is enabled, rebooting of both SPs is not allowed

on CX4 series storage systems.


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