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September 29th, 2016 08:00

Shorten retention class period questions


We want to shorten the duration of one of our retention classes. We have a total amount of data of 50TB and the retention class to shorten is applied to mostly half of it.

I understand that the modification will be on the retention class and not on the CDFs that are associated to the retention class but what I don't understand is how it will affect the retention state of the CDFs and I also have some concerns about the risk to do this.

- Is there any risk on doing that on such a big amount of data?

- Do we need to plan a period of unavailability to execute the command? How long would you suggest?

- How the new retention period will be calculated on the CDFs associated to the shortened retention class? If some data expires its retention period with the new period applied, will it be available for suppression right away?

Thank you to enlighten me,

Estelle Charette

September 30th, 2016 02:00

Hi EstelleCharette
When you shorten the retention period of a class, nothing happens to your data. Only when your application then goes and really deletes clips, the shorter retention period may then lead to the clips being deleted cause the retention period expired.

The Centera itself will not delete data just because for half of your clips the retention period will be expired when you reduce the class retention period.

Hope that clarifies the situation, Holger

September 30th, 2016 07:00

This clarifies completely the situation, yes.

Thank you very much!


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