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November 14th, 2012 22:00

Setup bi-directional replication


Can anyone help me giving some steps in configuring bi-directional replication? Here is the situation:

1. currently we have two Centeras with uni-directional replication

2. we have to swap the boxes - the current target to become primary and vice versa.

I know I have to change the IP address string in the applications to authenticate in the new primary first, but I also have to configure the replication to the new primary.. Can you provide me some steps in doing that?

216 Posts

November 30th, 2012 08:00

Hi Vasil,

            Please follow the steps given below for  configuring Bi-directional replication.Choose a cluster to use as the source cluster. The other automatically becomes the target or replication cluster. Work on this first.

On the target or replication cluster:

1. Create a pool for the application to use, unless a pool already exists.

create pool

2. Create an access profile for the application with secret. 

create profile

Grant the application profile the minimum set of capabilities for the pool to function on the target cluster either by assigning the pool created in step 1 as its home pool and/or granting it specific capabilities. See set grants if you choose to grant specific capabilities.Optionally generate and download a PEA file for the application profile to the local workstation.

3. Export the pool and profile definitions and download it to the local workstation. 

export poolprofilesetup

To facilitate the configuration and minimize the chance for errors, when the Export based on pool or profile selection? prompt appears, choose to export the associated application profile.

4. Where required, send the connection addresses for the cluster, and authentication information or PEA file for the application profile to the system administrator of the first Cluster in the chain..

On the source cluster:

Using the export file created in step 3, import the pool and profile configuration as defined on the final cluster in the chain.

import poolprofilesetup

5. Optional - if not done in Step 2, create an Access Profile for the application with secret.  Grant the application profile the minimum set of capabilities for the pool to function on the target cluster either by assigning it as its home pool and/or granting it specific capabilities.

6. If you have chosen not to use PEA files for authentication, you should synchronize the secrets on all Clusters in the chain.

Optionally generate and download a PEA file for the application profile to the local workstation (optional).

7. Merge all pea files associated with the application for the entire cluster chain.

8. The target cluster now becomes the source cluster and vice-versa.

9. Repeat steps 2 to 7.

10. Where required, send the connection addresses for the clusters and authentication information or PEA file for the application profile to the system administrator for the SDK.

11. Configure replication using the set cluster replication command.

set cluster replication

12. Verify that replication is working properly:

show replication detail command



December 4th, 2012 06:00

Hello Satish,

Thanks for you replies. I already did it on 24th of November. When you have the situation like mine - replication is already set from the source to the target and you need just to set up from target to source, I did the following steps and everything woked:

1. No import or export pools and profiles - this is already done because the uni-directional replication and no need to re-import again.

2. On the source, you should grant more than c-e-d grants for the replication profile - depends if it is default or cluster.

3. You should have all pea files merged for the pools being replicated

4. Stop the applications so the replication queue on the source to become 0 for every pool.

5. Exchange the IP address in the configuration files in the applications, so that first IPs to point now the target and the last IPs to point the source - left IP addresses are read first.

6. Start the replication from the target to the source

7. Start the applications.

Hope that will be helpful.

Thanks again.

216 Posts

December 4th, 2012 06:00

Hi Vasil,

Let me know if you've any updates on the issue.



216 Posts

December 7th, 2012 08:00

Hi Vasil,

Thanks for the update...



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