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This post is more than 5 years old



December 2nd, 2015 22:00

What is key difference of nas_storage -info -all in between "sync=yes" and "sync=no" ?

Hello. Celerra expert forum.

I appreciate your feedback / comments about my problem.


I am supporting program which connects to system (via SSH) and run below command (exact) regular basis.

/nas/bin/nas_storage -info -all

But my program encounters below error and my program is not able to get output I need to parse.

Warning 17716815737: Storage API code=38: SYMAPI_C_DB_IS_LOCKED

The SYMAPI database file is already locked by another process

Error 2201: unable to acquire lock(s), try later

I know the cause. There is the other process holding a lock of SYMAPI database, so I need to wait for a lock to be released. But I have below concerns. Please someone give feedback / comments ?

If my command is called with additional argument, sync=no (/nas/bin/nas_storage -info -all -o sync=no)

I know it skips "sync" (in between Control Station and storage system) so it does not require a lock for SYMAPI database, therefore I would be able to avoid the error.

But I don't know if output (with sync=no) is really meaningful or not.

What types of difference in between "sync=yes" and "sync=no" ?


Yu Ishitani

CA Technologies


My program is CA UIM (a.k.a Nimsoft) celerra probe (an monitoring agent fetching data from VNX)

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