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This post is more than 5 years old


June 14th, 2016 09:00

Delete CIFS Share via CLI

I'm trying to delete a CIFS Share via CLI. I'm not able to use Unisphere (I have a ticket open with EMC regarding that, the Unisphere screen just sits at "loading data").

The command I'm running is:

[nasadmin@SFHPCS0 sbin]$ server_export server_2 -unexport -name standards

server_2 :

Error 2: server_2 : No such file or directory

Here is my share output:

server_export server_2 -P cifs -list -all

server_2 :

share "standards" "/standards/standards" umask=022 maxusr=4294967295 netbios=XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Not sure what I'm missing here. The share name should be 'standards'. Not sure why the unexport command complains there is no such file or directory.

8.6K Posts

June 15th, 2016 04:00

Try adding –P cifs

8 Posts

June 15th, 2016 07:00

I figured it out by adding "-option NetBIOS=WSXXXXXXXXXX" on the end and it worked!

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