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26 Posts


November 11th, 2022 12:00

What Your Cloud Architect Needs to Know, Part 1

In IDC’s October 2020 report, Moving to a Connected Cloud Architecture, cloud architects are first in the list of key stakeholders of connected architecture. Per their analysis, cloud architects are “becoming prominent focal points for defining standards and policies in collaboration with business, development, and IT ops stakeholders.”

The future of “cloud movement” emphasizes the business need for a cloud architect with specific skills and knowledge. In this article, we will provide the guide to the skills and experience a cloud architect requires to get their company where it wants to go.

What Is cloud architecture and what does a cloud architect do?

The role and responsibilities of a cloud architect are gaining attention and significance in organizations of all sizes. Those who hire, manage, or function as a cloud architect benefit from a clear understanding of these three factors that define the role.

Cloud computing is the application of computer system resources not directly managed by the user, but in the cloud. These applications include data storage and computing power. Cloud computing offers faster applications, rapid resource adjustment to satisfy fluctuating demands, better manageability, reduced infrastructure costs, and reduced maintenance.

Cloud architecture (or cloud computing architecture) is the arrangement and alignment of the components and subcomponents of cloud computing. Typically, cloud architecture involves all parts of cloud computing: front-end platform, storage, servers, delivery, and networks to manage storage.

Cloud architects design and oversee implementation of a plan that translates technical requirements into a viable architecture to provide a desired result. The architect drafts a blueprint that specifies how cloud computing can achieve organizational and/or operational goals. As the designed plan often requires development of technologies, the cloud architect likely collaborates with DevOps engineers and developers.

The skilled cloud architect, then, combines technical mastery with interpersonal, leadership skills.

In keeping with technology advances, the skills a cloud architect requires increase both in number and complexity. The following list itemizes that a cloud architect must be able to:

    • Assess business goals and develop cloud-computing solutions to meet these goals
    • Bridge the gap between business and technology
    • Improve and maintain existing cloud-computing architecture
    • Guide the implementation of their cloud architecture throughout the company
    • Develop models and visualizations to communicate their plans with team members and stakeholders
    • Stay on top of new developments and best practices in cloud technology and their chosen industry

Cloud computing is multidimensional and without fixed duration. This requires “a role that many IT organizations are now finding to be mandatory – the cloud architect.” [Gartner Research, 2016]

According to the same Gartner report, three responsibilities distinguish the cloud architect’s high-level importance:

    • Leading cultural change for cloud adoption
    • Developing and coordinating cloud architecture
    • Developing a cloud strategy and coordinating the adaptation process

In the Part 2 of this post -- coming out Friday, Nov. 18 -- we'll look at the specific skills and knowledge required of a professional cloud architect. We will also cover the levels of certification available, breaking the skill/knowledge requirements into manageable chunks. 

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