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This post is more than 5 years old


March 18th, 2011 07:00

M1000e fans issue

Good morning,
I have a customer which states having an issue with his M1000e fans. The following is the e-mail he wrote:

"We're using these servers for our Cinema 4D Render farm. As you can guess this means that the CPUs run at 100% for long periods of time. When nothing is rendering the fans spin at about 3500 RPM. If we're preforming renders that use about 95% of the CPU they may increase to 4000 / 4500 RPM. However once the CPU reached 100% the fans will jump to 8500 / 9000 RPM making a huge amount of noise.
I've spoken to Dell previously (and I'm talking to them again now) and they maintain that this is by design. When the voltage / amperage for the CPUs peak the fans will max out regardless of the temperature of the chassis or the blades. This is only relevant with the newer CPUs (I think their 85 / 95 watts).
In our case, as you would expect for enterprise kit, we have a fully air conditioned server room, the temperature ranges from 16 - 19°C. The chassis ambient temperature is about 17°C and the blades at between 20 and 21°C when rendering at 95% CPU. When the CPU creeps up to 100% and the fans max out the ambient temperature will drop to 13°C and the blades about 16°C. Given that the blades max threshold is 47°C, as I see it there is no reason for the fans to be maxing out.

Just to clarify, Dell say this is purely related to the CPU voltage / amps and nothing to do with temperature.

If this can't be resolved I'm going to have to send the kit back. There is no mention of this voltage / fan issue on the Dell site (last time I checked) and I was told the engineer found it on an internal system. Therefore I obviously wouldn't have know until actually using the kit."

Any advices would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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