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1 Rookie


23 Posts


April 11th, 2024 14:35


Hi everyone:

I'm new with Avamar and DD... 

I have some clients added to my Avamar infrastructure, so I also configured a vcenter on it. How can I know that these clients were added from vcenter or were added manually (by IP)


2 Intern


141 Posts

April 11th, 2024 15:19

As VMs they should show up in the Domain named after the vcenter. They are backed up as Image backups. Manually added clients, where the Avamar Client is installed in the Guest OS, are normally added to the /clients Domain by default. They are backed up using Filesystem Backups (or using other optional Avamar plugins)

You can also SSH to Avamar and run the following command:

mccli client show --recursive=TRUE

This will list all your clients. There is a field called "Client Type".

A VM is listed simply as a "Virtual Machine".

A VM which is backed up as a guest will be listed as "Virtual Machine for Guest Backup"

A phyiscal client will be listed as "Normal".

1 Rookie


23 Posts

April 23rd, 2024 21:37


Ok, thank you... I will try with it.


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