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April 3rd, 2017 13:00

Older data in DataDomain.....can this data be cleaned out

Hello all,

I have a DataDomain that is reaching 95% capacity, so I am looking for data that can be cleaned out QUICKLY. I have located some data that I was certain could go and cleared it, but there is other data that I am not sure about. For example, there are a lot of subfolders underneath the Avamar storage unit on the datadaomin that go back into April 2016. But, when I open one of those subfolders, there is data in there even older, back into 2015 (see pictures). There should be NO data on our datadomain older than 5 weeks. If its older than that, it clones to tape.

My concern is that this may be some sort of metadata in there for dedupe purposes, but I just dont know. These subfolders under the "cur" directory range from 40gb to 400gb, and there are over 1100 of them. 

Anyone know if this older data can safely be cleaned out?

Thanks all!



2K Posts

April 3rd, 2017 14:00

The folders immediately inside the cur directory correspond with your clients. Each folder matches up to a single client ID from the Avamar Server. The folders inside the client directories are individual backup directories. Backup folders are named to match the create time of the backup.

In the second screenshot, the files shown there are probably from a VMware Image backup since the files are stored "raw", directly on the DD filesystem instead of being stored in a CDSF container.

If these files didn't have a corresponding Avamar backup, Avamar GC should have already cleaned them up. I would strongly recommend against deleting these manually unless you've confirmed (twice!) that the data does not correspond with any valid Avamar backup. If you delete files that Avamar is expecting to find, data integrity checks on the Avamar will fail.

If in doubt, I'd recommend working with the Avamar support team since they have the skills and expertise to map data between Avamar and DD.

Edit: Thinking about this some more, saying "data integrity checks on the Avamar will fail" doesn't really cover it. If the Avamar hfscheck is failing, that will prevent old checkpoints from expiring on both the Avamar and the DD and your capacity problems will get a whole lot worse.

1 Rookie


14.3K Posts

April 3rd, 2017 13:00

You probably wish to ask that question in Avamar forum - you will probably get the answer there faster as your question is Avamar product related (despite you wishing to free up some space on DD).

146 Posts

April 3rd, 2017 13:00

Good call, Hrvoje. I have moved to Avamar board.


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