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March 30th, 2017 08:00

GEN4 Grid Replacement

As you are all aware, GEN4 Nodes are EOSL March 31, 2018. This means everyone has about a year to upgrade. This leads me to my question regarding GRID replacement.

We currently have a multi node GRID, and will be looking to replace it in the near future. The current options are to stand up a new grid, do a root-to-root. With the process, will there be down time? With a root-to-root, will you be able to rename the new grid the source grid's name once root-to-root has completed? I don't want to think about the process of re-registering all of my clients to another grid because of a different grid name. Has anyone completed a root-to-root from GEN4 to GEN4S or GEN4T? Please let me know if I am missing any options? Anything outside of the box I am missing? Downtime is going to be hard to come by, but It appears I have no choice?

2K Posts

March 31st, 2017 06:00

A root-to-root migration to a new system normally ends with powering down the old system and renaming the new system to match the name of the old system. A brief downtime is required to execute the rename.

A root-to-root will be the fastest and easiest way to migrate to new hardware.

4 Posts

March 31st, 2017 12:00

Thanks @Ian. I believe that answers my question. The Re-IP with same IP addresses for each node is also supported correct?

2K Posts

April 3rd, 2017 12:00

As long as the old system has been powered down or disconnected from the network, you can also change the IP addresses to match the old system, yes.

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