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1 Rookie


49 Posts


August 2nd, 2022 01:00

#firmware : Proactive_check Firmware does not match the latest known version

Avamar uses a proactive check tool to scan for the health of the system. It is run before upgrade or support teams before and after troubleshooting. It reports various information and errors. The firmware does not match the latest known version is one such error message which can be noticed in health checks. 


WARNING: Node 0.0 Disk 9 Firmware N9C0 does not match the latest known version of NAM4
WARNING: Node 0.0 Disk 10 Firmware N9C0 does not match the latest known version of NAM4
WARNING: Node 0.0 Disk 4 Firmware N9C0 does not match the latest known version of NAM4
WARNING: Node 0.0 Disk 11 Firmware N9C0 does not match the latest known version of NAM4
WARNING: Node 0.0 Disk 5 Firmware N9C0 does not match the latest known version of NAM4
RESOLUTION: See hotfix 299999 for more information

Above error indicates disk firmware does not match the latest version with might have potential fixes, In this case customer can take help from support team in installing the latest disk firmware. Depending on the firmware it can be installed online of offline. 

INFO: Node 0.0 BIOS Version 41.91 does not match latest known version 42.3
INFO: Node 0.0 BMC Firmware version '24.50' does not match latest known version of 24.55
INFO: Node 0.0 Controller Firmware 7.8-0 (32976) does not match latest known version of 7.14-0
RESOLUTION: See hotfix 331301 for more information

This error message is reporting multiple firmware lagging compared to latest firmware, multiple firmware bundle in called Block update at Dell and can be upgraded free of cost to customer. The customer having active contact can open upgrade ticket asking to apply Block Update. 


August 18th, 2022 11:00

Update proactive_check by running the following in an Avamar shell (Putty)

admin@avamar:~/>: wget
--2022-08-18 13:45:32-- ftp://avamar_ftp:*password*
=> ''
Connecting to (|X.X.X.X|:21... connected.
Logging in as avamar_ftp ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD (1) /software/scripts ... done.
==> SIZE ... 363933
==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR ... done.
Length: 363933 (355K) (unauthoritative)

100%[=====================================================================================================================================================================>] 363,933 794KB/s in 0.4s

2022-08-18 13:45:34 (794 KB/s) - '' saved [363933]


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