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21 Posts


February 26th, 2023 20:00

Avamar server destroyed

If my avamar server is delete but the backup data are in the other storage can get the data by install another avamar Server


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

February 26th, 2023 21:00

what is the "other storage" ?   Assuming you are using Avamar with Data Domain. If the Avamar server is not replicated to another Avamar server and the Avamar server is lost,  while the data is still available in the mtree it's not recoverable because the "brains" are in the Avamar database that is now lost.

1 Rookie


27 Posts

March 3rd, 2023 04:00

IF ... it would be Avamar + DD combo with Avamar only handling metadata AND checkpoints are stored in DD - you could bring new Avamar node to the front and restore latest checkpoint from DD. With Dell Support.

March 8th, 2023 21:00

āmeseginalehu lefet’ani milashachihu :  :  yenē t’iyak’ē IDPA seriveri nebereni ina gsan start sinaderigi bizu se’āti yiwesidali isikahunimi ālitenesami :  :  bizu datawechi bakapi tederigewali inami hulumi bemībali dereja ye āvamari serivīsochu k’umewali chekipoyinitimi magenyeti ālichalikumi ina mini timekirunyalachihu?
inidemefitihē āvamari seriveruni inidegena binich’inewi bakapi yetederegu datawochini memelesi yichali yihoni weyi?
Thank you for your quick response.
My question is we had an IDPA server and when we start gsan it takes a lot of time and it still doesn't start.
A lot of data has been backed up and almost all of the Avamar services have stopped and I can't find the checkpoint,

what do you recommend? As a solution, is it possible to restore the backed up data if we reinstall the Avamar server?
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