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2 Posts


June 12th, 2020 09:00

Avamar / DDVE on AWS DNS considerations

Hi all, there doesn't seem to be much information about this anywhere so I figured I'd try asking the community:

When deploying DDVE and AVE in AWS as a a replication target for our on prem Avamar / DD via site to site VPN, how do we handle DNS? 

The AWS DDVE and AVE are named ip-10-0-0-x.ec2.internal so how will our on prem Avamar/DD resolve those addresses via DNS when configuring replication? Also, how do our internal clients in our on prem datacenter communicate with the AWS DDVE/AVE for any restore requests?

Is it supported to change the hostname (FQDN) for Avamar / DDVE in AWS once deployed? 

14 Posts

July 24th, 2020 07:00

Which address you configure the DDVE on Avamar was FQDN of your domain or the ip-XXXX.ec2-internal? if you use the ip address you do not need to remove the DDVE from AVE. You can change the hostname of the DDVE, but you need to remove and add again on AVE. The AVE hostname change will be more complex because you need to regenerate the certificate and replace the pub key on DDVE, but you can change. I think the best way to connect on the was will be using VPN and connect to vpc to not use the public IP on AVE/DDVE, using VPN, the internal address will be resolved on AWS route53.


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