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1 Rookie


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April 16th, 2024 03:06

x17 R2, performance issues after 8 months

My x17 R2 CPU has started to run really warm and is going around up to 100°C when just idle without me doing anything. I've tried just about everything I can think of updating everything, fooling around with the AWCC settings and even did a support thing and all they was tell me to unplug my external hard drive and that it's supposed to run that warm (which I know they are supposed to run that high when under load but when idle is it?).

Also have watched like a billion YT videos.

My performance has also tanked which as far as my limited PC knowledge is because of its throttling due to the heat. It could be something else for all I know. All I know is I shouldn't be getting 30-60 FPS with an i9 and a 3080 Ti when playing on medium-high settings.

The laptop is about 8-9 months old.

If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

July 12th, 2024 22:31

It could be as simple as cleaning out the fans and heatsinks. That is easy enough to do. The thing that pointed me toward Alienware in the first place was the horrible heat my old HP ENVY dv7t 7200 Quad Edition used to generate. Enough that the VGA port would BURN you bad enough to blister your skin. I am amazed the thing never shut off due to the heat. The fans were pathetically small and I did not have the confidence at the time to take the dang thing apart, which you practically had to do to clean it. So I went with Alienware for the LARGE vents, large fans and ease of cleaning. If you need to watch a tutorial on youtube to get your heatsinks off and repaste the GPU and CPU with thermal paste. I've had mine for about two years now and have not had any heat issues with regular cleaning, either with a soft brush, and canned air. Once a year I take the heatsinks off and clean them out and repaste the CPU and GPU. I gained the confidence to do this on my old Alienware 17 from 2015 and then my still working at tip top shape Alienware 17 R4, the CHONKY GIRL, I bought in 2017 and only retired in April of 2022 when I bought this x17 R2. With all the dust that floats around in my home, regular monthly brushing nd air cleaning and yearly heatsink cleaning and repasting are a must, and I have had no heat issues with any of my systems. Then again, I avoided getting the i9 as back then, and even now, they have heat issues. I got the top of the line i7 which still has absolutely no trouble running everything at MAX/ULTRA settings.
You may also want to go into the Command Center and fiddle around with the fan curves. Usually they are good enough under high load but if I am going to be blasting right through the heaviest games out there, I just press FN + F1 to run the fans at full speed, even if I don't need to. 

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