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1 Rookie


4 Posts


April 21st, 2024 22:41

x15 R1, won't power on

My Alienware x15 R1 suddenly won't power on. On yesterday and plugged now nothing. Press and hold press nothing. Any ideas?



16.9K Posts

April 25th, 2024 14:45

To receive assistance from Dell chat support, they need to verify the warranty status and ownership. Then you must troubleshoot with them.  Click the "Get Help Now" icon on the right to start a live chat session. If already out of warranty, click here for the Dell out of warranty offering.

1 Rookie


4 Posts

May 14th, 2024 13:16

@DELL-Jesse L​   No simple fix tried the power and disconn battery to no avail. DELL warranty expired but i do have Asurion which i bought in 2022.  Never do that but thought hmm on a 2K unit maybe i should.  Two weeks in annd they say ordering more parts. So in the shop 3 times in two years not a glowing testimonial for Dell laptops. Had to buy a chaep non gaming replacement since Dell and aftermarket repairs take so long.  I made sure to buy a non-Dell backup.  So far the chaep HP works just fine.  Since my Asurion is for 4 years i wonder how many times my DELL will ned up in the shop by the end of warranty!

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