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1 Rookie


3 Posts


April 18th, 2024 16:42

m15 R3, suggestion for the current thermal control in AWCC

Alienware M15 R3

Alienware M15 R3

For the thermal control profile, the "smooth line" in advance option stinks for real. There are only 3 points available with 2 points fixed at temperature 0 and 100 respectively. Such a limitation makes it impossible to control the fan well, for example, if you can't fulfill the following profile:
0-50°: 0 fan speed
90°-100°: 100% fan speed
50°-100°: fan speed increases, doesn't matter it follows a 2nd order curve or just a linear line.

Because 2 points are fixed at temperature 0 and 100, respectively, you can only move these two points vertically, and there is only one point you can freely adjust. This makes the curve can only be so stupid.

I tried to modify the the "Profle.json" under the "C:\Program Files\Alienware\Alienware Command Center\OCControlService\OCControl.Service.Thermal.Data" to fullfill the advanced setting for fan control. However, changing the parameters abc in the "Profle.json" doesn't actually work. Looks like this file is just recording the current setting, but not be used to do the control.

From this profle, we can also easily identify that the curve is indeed a 2nd order curve (y= a*x^2+bx+c, y is the fan speed percentage, x is the temperature celcius), with a clip of the fan speed percentage between[0,100] for temperature between [0,100].

After understanding the current curve setting, I must say it is so stupid. If I am the manager, I will directly fire the programmers who built this stupid module, especially the one who set the limitation of the two points fixed at temperature 0 and 100.

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