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September 7th, 2012 08:00

LCD monitor light fix

Has anyone ever had a buld go bad in their LCD monitor? Dell monitor P2310H

If so, is it difficult to replace?


757 Posts

September 7th, 2012 09:00

I was just reminded of Dell support horrors as I attempted to have my monitor serviced.

After one hour and being transferred four or five times, I was tolded by three individuals that I did not purchase any monitors and that my purchase was not in their system. On the last attempt and with a supervisor, he managed to find the purchases but told me they were only a one year warranty. Despite having my invoice which listed the three year premium warranty, I was denied.

I was continuously asked for the number on the back label on the monitor but none of the three monitors has any such label or number.

The supervisor then said they would send me a refurbished unit of the same model number. No attempt to just send me the bulb replacement and that this would be a one time consideration.

Nothing has changed at Dell. I purchased three monitors, have a three year warranty, and still being denied service by Dell until they decided they would make an exception since their records are so inaccurate.

I would still rather just replace my units bulb as opposed to replacing it with a monitor that I have  no idea how it has been handled.

Any suggestions on how to replace the bulb?

8 Wizard


17K Posts

September 7th, 2012 12:00


I urge you to get your 3-year warranty problem worked out (on all 3) right away. This upsets me hearing about this. Maybe Chris_M can help.

They are p2310h (TN 16x9) LCD models. When I purchased my Aurora, the $500 u2410 Ultra-Sharp (IPS 16x10) was not available from the Aurora's config page. So, I purchased it a-la-carte. It specifically said it came with a 3-year warranty (you could also choose to buy it with a 4 or 5 year warranty). If I would have been allowed to purchase it WITH the Aurora (as a config option) it would have had the same warranty term as the machine itself (the whole system) ... ie, 1-year.

In-warranty Repair:

Not an issue. You don't need to open or fix monitors yourself. Dell will send you a working monitor, and you will return the old one in the same box.

Out-of-warranty Repair:

It's been my experience with TN LCDs that ... when the fluorescent back-light goes out, it's usually the (high voltage) Inverter circuit. It's often a separate little circuit board because it's matched to the panel (not the logic board). The fluorescent back-light itself is bonded with the color panel and it not usually replaceable separately.

Too bad you never got your Forum Account fixed to accept private messages. In this 3rd category, I could say more but it should be done privately.

EDIT: Noticed you DID mention model number. Re-targetted towards proper LCD monitor display technology (TN). 

757 Posts

September 7th, 2012 12:00

Not sure how to get the monitor waranty worked out any better than when Dell cancelled my three year waranty on my Aroura and refused  to work on my computer for a whole year. The BBB eventually helped and Dell restored my three year waranty, but only to the extent of the original warranty. So I lost a year of service for which I bought and serviced my own computer. Dell eventuall paid me for my parts however, but the pain dealing with this nonsense is never worth the trouble.

Now they are effectively doing he same with my monitors. One hour on the phone, 4 to 5 transfers, repeating the same information over and over, being told they have no record of my purchase and then when the do find my purchase tell me there is no three year warranty, and the supervisor I last spoke to wants to know why I was so upset...........


The monitor in question still works, it is just the upper left corner that has become dim as if a local bulb in that section has died. Not sure how the insides look but if it is as you suggest then I'll just have to wait and see how the refurbished monitor looks. Hopefully it isn't as bad as the refurbished computer Dell once sent me. The computer was not what was agreed to and was very nasty inside and out. Food crumms and garbage inside the case and marks all over the outside.


1.2K Posts

September 8th, 2012 08:00

trust me  ... it will probably be worst ...

i had a dell 22 inch i bought locally @ a staples.... honestly probabably the best monitor i ever  got the privelege to use, the screen was perfect picture, cant remeber the model off hand but had built in speakers, USB and webcam  with the famous blue led tellign you webcam was on, purchased march 19th 2008... il remeber this till i die cause i almost lost my leg the next day at work in a machine :( .

anyway  first issue, the screen  was bubbling apart and my this i mean just that it had developed air pockes on the front of the screen like bad tint on a car window, no problem called dell , of course asked for a scan of the bill to prove purchase date cause it was 3 year warranty, at this point it was just past the 14 day  in store return time, since i was in a cast and laid up i couldnt do much anyway so i waited for dell to ship out a new one since it was under 30 days,  so send wife to pick it up since purolator dont deliver to us, get home unbox great il connect it to my M1530  like previous and good to go, pull out of box, looks like a kid was drawing on the screen with a key, the screen looked so badly beat up, id rather use the 15 inch laptop screen then the garbage i was sent, so call dell( remeber im laid up in a cast so got nothing but time) sent pictures, blamed me ofcourse  but got witness so that changed fast, got another sent out with promise of new one as quoted originally, 3 days after, man thats quick UPS delivered to my door....confused me but they made an exception thanks to dell when i said im in a cast and so fourth, so i opened this one right infront of the driver, and to my surprise it went back with him, it was worst so wasnt new.

called dell and lost it probably the perks helped me with that but ended up keeping original and getting a partial credit towards the M1530 purchase (which i only had recived on the 24th of FEB. 08 ) ..

Moral of story is... this was 4 years ago, hopefully your dealing goes better then mine did ( and i had service codes ect on my screen)

*the answer the the fix was i treated it like car tint, got a plastic scraper and spray liquid(electronic safe)  from a tint shop and did just that, seems the screen had a reflective 3m film overtop of the screen itself which after the help of LG(panel manufacture for that screen)  explained how to fix it,

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