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This post is more than 5 years old


December 22nd, 2011 05:00

Laptop Beeping on startup


I have an alienware M14x and it when you power it up it just sits there beeping with a black screen. I've had this thing for around a month so can't quite believe it has stopped working already. Any idea what has gone wrong?

131 Posts

December 23rd, 2011 14:00

To ease your mind a bit I've had quite a few Dell Techs (not really a proper term since they use local/regional resources to send a tech to your home)  replace or check something out over the years and never had one break a thing....just make sure if anything is more wrong with your system after he gets done to call dell right away as it was suggested above.  

13 Posts

December 23rd, 2011 15:00

Thanks for your advice. To be honest I'm just glad I don't have to post it off and then wait 2 weeks for it to be fixed!

13 Posts

December 28th, 2011 09:00

Though I'd just update anyone who is interested! Technician didn't bother to show up today. So I rang Dell and apparantly he has decided he would rather come tomorrow but no-one thought it would be in my interest to know.

Who would be the best person to complain to about the experience I've had so far? I mean it can't be normal for a £1000 laptop to break within a month and then the repair guy doesn't even show up, can it?

757 Posts

December 28th, 2011 10:00

Sadly, that's pretty much how Dell services have been operating for some time.

Ask to speak to supervisor and the request all corresponsence be made using email. That is the only way to maintain a record of your complaint and to hold the individuals somewhat accountable.

13 Posts

December 28th, 2011 10:00

Thanks for your advice, I'll ask if I have to phone again. I'll be sending a letter to the complaints department, not that I expect anything to come of it. But I'm very angry right now and feel I should do something!

1 Message

December 30th, 2011 01:00

I feel your pain dude, my M14x just died yesterday and the kicker is that I havent even been playing any heavy duty games on it. The 7 beeps really sank my heart. Called them up and they told me a technician will come next week. After that I fired off a complaint email just to vent my frustration at them. Like you I also cannto fathom how an expensive piece of equipment can just fail after <2 months of use

13 Posts

December 30th, 2011 06:00

Sorry to hear that nrchy! Like you I hadn't done anything heavy duty on it, all I'd got round to playing was minecraft. Let me know if anything comes of your complaint, because I'm going to send one as well.

My laptop is now fixed, a straight motherboard swap fixed the problem!

2 Posts

April 15th, 2013 15:00

Just though I would chime in.  My son got an M14x-R2 for Christmas.  Last week it started experiencing the same
problem as described with yours.  I will record the type of service we receive.  I just emailed tech support.   

2 Posts

April 29th, 2013 11:00

I did not receive a response to my email, but received excellent, snappy service when I called in.  I wish we would have never experienced the problem, but
I’m very satisfied with the customer service received with the repair.

23 Posts

May 29th, 2015 15:00

I also did a HD swap on the older one I was getting blue screen but was able to simply install disk and wahalla,,,It had been reset by seller anyhow, so no big deal.

If I could access the Setup menu in Bios I am sure I could figure it out but I can not even boot to cd.


23 Posts

May 29th, 2015 15:00

Mine is going Beep Beep over and over

I just installed 32 gigs of memory into model  M17 2013

from my M17 model 2012 the switch shows fine in the older one, with 16 gig now instead of 32 and where I had 16 in the newer laptop now it is 32 but its beeping with black screen took it apart then switch the mem modules around from front section to back...


I don't get it they worked great in the 2012 model, and the replacements from this computer to that one are running fine...Must be chipset or something...

How can I fix this guys?


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