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5 Posts


September 22nd, 2020 21:00

XPS 13 9300 battery life low, health is degrading quickly


My XPS13 9300 was delivered in July, and has never gotten more than ~2.5 hours on battery life since unboxing.  This is with relatively mild use -- web browsing and email on low screen brightness.  Further, the battery capacity has steadily degraded since unboxing -- after less than 3 months, the capacity is now at 90%.  My 5+ year old XPS13 has better battery life now than the new one ever has.  Did I get a dud, or is this expected?





25.7K Posts

September 22nd, 2020 21:00

Thank you! We have received the required details. We will work towards a resolution via private messages to ensure the security of your information. In the meanwhile, you may receive assistance or suggestions from the community members as well.

186 Posts

September 23rd, 2020 01:00

It should be a battery problem. If possible, you can replace with a brand new original battery, or you can directly plug in the power adapter to use.

4 Posts

September 26th, 2020 20:00

I have even worse issue: Bought Developer Edition XPS 13 9300 in April, and my battery is now at 70% capacity with no more than 3-4 hours of light weight use. I understand that Ubuntu based distributions are bad with battery management, but the capacity issue is worrisome. Is there a way to address this issue?

4 Posts

September 28th, 2020 20:00

Does this mean that deterioration of the battery capacity from 100% to 70% over the course of 5 months since purchase of the laptop given normal daily use and most of the time charging from the power outlet is also a design feature of the battery?



25.7K Posts

September 28th, 2020 20:00

Dell offers lithium ion batteries for notebooks than can provide between 1.5 — 4 hours of battery life. Listed below are common battery sizes and an estimate of how long a computer can run under typical operating conditions. 
4-cell battery 1.5 — 2 hours 
6-cell battery 2.5 — 3 hours 
9-cell battery 3.5 — 4 hours

Considering this, the 4 cell battery is working as per design, giving you sufficient power for the task at hand. 

Wearing down of a battery is caused by two factors: 
•           Usage 
•           Aging
There are several ways you can improve the life of the system battery.

5 Posts

October 2nd, 2020 10:00

Hi All, Here's a quick update after some iteration with the Dell folks. After some checks of the BIOS, they eventually had me disconnect the battery from the motherboard and reconnect it. That actually seemed to clear up the super-fast draining times I was seeing. I'm now getting more time than I used to on a full charge, more like 4 hours probably. Not the ultra-long lifetimes (10+ hours) that I've seen quoted in online reviews for this laptop, but still much better than before. However, the battery capacity is still degrading quickly, now down to 84% (it was 90% a week and a half ago). Is this expected? Again, my older Dell XPS 13 didn't have this issue, so I guess it must have something to do with the new design. Thanks! -Mike

5 Posts

October 7th, 2020 08:00

Dell reps suggested calibrating the battery in another private message.  According to them, this means fully charging and then fully discharging to below 5%, and repeating that for several days.  Now the battery health is back to 90%, still not 100%, but I suppose better than 84%.  I'll keep an eye on this over the coming months, but overall it's clear that the battery in this new version of the laptop is much less robust than in previous iterations.

1 Rookie


46 Posts

October 8th, 2020 10:00

Hi there.

I'm also experiencing issues with my XPS 13 9300 battery life. I can speak with lots of experience on my shoulder. I've been having several XPS's throughout the years. I had 9343, 9350, 9360, 9370, 9380, 7390 and now I have a 9300. (always the top screen resolution, which was QHD in old models, and now UHD/4K). So, I'm pretty used to the feeling of battery levels. Certainly the older models had longer battery life (for obvious reasons, as battery used to be 56kW and 60kwh). The latter models switched to 52Wh, which in the beginning it was OK, not a huge compromising. Even with 52Wh (model 7390) I normally could get an average of 4h battery life with standard use (browsing, some ms office work, and some youtube videos, usually with about 50% brightness). 

But now with 9300 it's significantly worse (I'getting an average of 2h30   with exact the same use I had with 7390 and previous models (I'm taking out of the equation the moments that I use Zoom video conference, because I know it's battery draining anyway).
When I check the Apps which used battery the most, usually Chrome is the only one on top with about 60-70%, which means I basically browse on internet.

ALL my drivers are up to date (I even go to the manufacturers to download the latest drivers, like intel for the Killer AX1650 wifi and Iris graphics, etc). And (as always) I have a clean install of Windows 10 2004. (so, all the annoying softwares and partitions from DELL  are also taken out of the problem already).
When I check "batteryreport", the health of the battery in theory is good (50Wh available of max 51.9Wh design), but in reality is much worse than it's potential. 
I've read a lot of threads in different forums online, and a lot of people are complaining. I've tried a lot of things that were recommended (eg: switch off Turbo mode in BIOS; disconnect/reconnect battery cable from mother board; letting it discharge until 10% and charge again repeating this sequence many times; some other people recommending undervolt; etc).

My conclusion so far is that either DELL change the supplier of the battery for a worse on in 9300 ou there is something strange in the built of this 9300 that makes the battery considerably worse. (or maybe I was unlucky to get a battery that is not so effective).

I wish I could have a solution for that ,because I 've always loved the XPS 13 line.

1 Message

November 30th, 2020 16:00

I've only had my Dell XPS 13 9300 for maybe 3 months now and don't think I've ever gotten more than 4 hours of battery life. It is advertised that it can get 12-17 hours of battery life; but I've never experienced this. Normal use for me includes Zoom classes, normal use of Google Chrome (Google Drive, Outlook, Twitter), and Netflix. I always have battery saver on and usually have my screen at half brightenss. Still, I have not had long batter life. When I hover over the battery icon on the taskbar, I get an estimate of 3 hours at full charge! Can someone help me out with this? 

1 Message

February 9th, 2021 01:00

Mine is almost exactly the same age as yours, @mhance, and I've just discovered it's degraded to 77% health! Only 77% of the full capacity left after less than a year!!

I've opened a ticket, but the support team are trying to tell me this is "per design" !!

At this rate, I'll have lost 50% of the battery's original capacity *JUST* after the manufacturer's warranty will have run out!!
How on earth can that be acceptable, or even "per design" ??!!

Is it a recalibration problem, as some others have suggested?
Because it feels like I've been sold a dud by Dell...

March 26th, 2021 03:00

My 9300 laptop is less than a year old and the battery has never lasted longer then 2-3 hours. I'm not sure how Dell can claim 10 hours of battery life. I am not interested in taking my laptop apart and making it work the way it should from the factory. I just wonder how they can claim normal use is 10 hours and actual is 2.5. Several others seem to be having the same problem. If I was traveling for work like before, I would have already returned this laptop. To make a laptop in 2020 that doesnt even last an 8 hour workday seems customer unfriendly and technologically dumb. At the moment, I have to move around the house with my charger in tow knowing that if I do decide unplug at some point during the day, I'll need a full battery to go on a video chat for an hour. 

2 Posts

March 26th, 2021 04:00

I am in the same boat as everyone else.  Bought my XPS 12 9300 in June 2020 and, at first, it was great for battery life.  Nowadays, it last 2-3 hours when not connected to the mains.  I have to curtail viewing HD and not really utilise my QHD screen.  

I too can't relate my actual readings to Dell's figures.  I basically browse, use Microsoft 365 and watch TV and films.  All of which is small fry for a 16GB RAM machine.

I have realised that the XPS 13 is a beautiful piece of hardware, but the battery is not very good.  Equally, Dell dismissing this doesn't help.  I resigned myself to use my PC until the next big chipset release and then buy another PC, which unfortunately, won't be a Dell machine.  And at £1,650 it should be so. 

1 Rookie


81 Posts

March 26th, 2021 09:00

What is the remaining Watt-Hour (Wh) capacity of your battery, how much power does your laptop consume during your regular activities? (I am not suggesting that your battery is fine, but it is also a common misconception that some browsing/office/video is light load: it all is very dependent on specifics.)

I've been using my XPS13 9300 pretty much every day for the average of 5-6 hours since last May and my battery has degraded to 41Wh (from the 51Wh design capacity). So I guess this is about the regular tear and wear for their batteries. When I have wifi and bluetooth on, and am doing a bit of typing + news browsing, the regular power consumption is around 7-9 Watts, so that gives around 5 hours (really more like 3, as I don't charge to more than 80% or discharge under 20% when not off the grid entirely)

If your numbers are very different, then there's likely a problem of some kind: either the battery has degraded too much (its capacity is way lower than 40Wh) or some processes on your laptop eat up its power like there's no tomorrow...

2 Posts

April 6th, 2021 09:00

Spoke with Dell and they remotely viewed my machine.  They noted the poor battery performance and battery error message from SupportAssist.  They said to send the machine to them for a new battery to be fitted.  Have done so, got it back and currently running 5+ hours (I have i7, UHD touchscreen) so currently please with Dell and its service.

I will look at Start Up processes/programs and see if there are unusual data indicating a problem or an app or process needs halting/turning off.  So far, nothing sticks out as wrong.

My other concern is that my PCI Bridge - No Device error message, which appears intermittently didn't surface to Dell so maybe I will have to review this as an when it appears again.  

1 Message

September 7th, 2021 06:00

Same problem with my laptop. From the initial capacity of 50,973 mWh to 36,951 mWh in 9 months. Dell Support found this to be acceptable and is not warranted. This is a decrease to 72% of the capacity. For me, a very low standard for a laptop for so much money wanting to be compared to the competition. And I deliberately do not include battery life here because they depend on the operating system and the way of energy management. By contrast, capacity is a measure of the physical degradation of a battery.

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