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This post is more than 5 years old

2 Intern


933 Posts


November 18th, 2005 13:00

Nero Ultra 7

Yesterday I received my new Nero ultra 7 and i installed it, I then went after the update from Nero ver. 7.01.2  After I downloaded it  I then installed it I noticed up in the left hand corner it says Nero 7 demo now i went back into nero to double check the download and it was the right file. Can't understand why it says Demo,Has anyone have an idea ?Everything seems to run ok but the word Demo bothers me .

2.1K Posts

November 18th, 2005 19:00

@Robert Moyer wrote:
Yesterday I received my new Nero ultra 7 and i installed it, I then went after the update from Nero ver. 7.01.2  After I downloaded it  I then installed it I noticed up in the left hand corner it says Nero 7 demo now i went back into nero to double check the download and it was the right file. Can't understand why it says Demo,Has anyone have an idea ?Everything seems to run ok but the word Demo bothers me .

Why wouldn't you ask Nero?

2 Intern


933 Posts

November 19th, 2005 10:00

Hi Jim thanks for the advice, I did just that and got my answer, It was their error Nero told me what to do to fix the error no problem
Date: 11/19/05 06:50:41
Subject: Re: upgade for Nero - Case Info: [946638002]
Dear valued customer,
thank you for your email and your interest in our software.
Unfortunately, the "Nero 7 Demo version" entry has been entered incorrectly.
Please be assured that all demo versions will be permanently activated by entering the Nero 7 serial number.
The "Nero 7 Demo" entry is listed twice:
1) In Windows (click on)
>Nero 7 Demo
2) In the Control Panel (click on)
>Add or Remove Programs
>Nero 7 Demo
Your installed Nero 7 version will in no way expire or become unusable at the end of November.
At the beginning of December we will upload a new update of Nero 7 in which this incorrect message will no longer appear.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Should you have any other request, please don't hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards
Natalie Dennhardt
Sales Support
Nero AG
Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad
Fax : ++49 (0)7248 928 499

Message Edited by Robert Moyer on 11-19-2005 07:52 AM

9 Legend


33.4K Posts

November 19th, 2005 10:00

In additon to Jim's excellent suggestion, I downloaded and installed the Demo Version 7 and one day later dumped it.  On CD burning they took a giant leap backward plus never fixed a song title problem they have had since day 1.

2.5K Posts

November 19th, 2005 10:00

Check out the Nero forum at CDFreaks:

Lot's of problems with Nero 7. I'm sticking with 6 for now. I may pass on 7 altogether after trying the demo. It's seems a bit bloated for my needs.


2.1K Posts

November 20th, 2005 00:00

Robert: Being a Roxio guy, my advice was tongue-in-cheek… However I do not think anyone deserves faulty software and I am happy that you were able to get some resolution on this!!!

Burning Software manufactures are competing with each other in a feature war. So while davejohn sees it as 'bloatware' others see it as 'feature rich' and still others see it as 'inadequate'…

For simple needs, XP can do it all with CDs and it is 'free'. Cant' burn a DVD though.
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