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This post is more than 5 years old


March 5th, 2008 18:00

File association in VISTA

I am looking how to associate a file extension to program in Vista Home Premium. I would like to associate .IFO files to Windows media player. After some working,  I discovered the path CONTROL PANEL - Programs and under this there are some possibilites (like Set your default , etc). Unfortunately I didn't find the .IFO extension in the list and I don't know how to add it. In XP it was quite easy. Which is the procedure to be followed?

Thanks in advance for help


4 Operator


20.1K Posts

March 5th, 2008 18:00

You might be better off opening that video file with Media Center, but you can try Media Player. Open MP and go to File, Open and try opening it. It's listed under Movie Files in the dropdown list, so MP should be able to play it. What happens when you just click to open the file? You can also right click on the file and choose Open with... and then choose the default program.

2.9K Posts

March 5th, 2008 19:00

Why do you want to associate .ifo files with anything? These files simply contain information about audio or video files. This information includes what screens to show, where the chapters start, where audio tracks are located on the disk, timing information, etc.

136 Posts

March 5th, 2008 19:00

Thanks, I have selected the IFO file  and selected WMP using  Open with and it worked nice. I'll try with Windows Media center too.

But generally speaking, it is possible to define a new extension and associate it to a program as it was possible in WXP or not?


14.4K Posts

March 5th, 2008 20:00

have a look in control panel>default programs>associate a file type or protocol with a specific program

5 Posts

March 6th, 2008 03:00

Given a file such as PROG.IFO


Right click on the file

Select Properties

On the general tab, next to "Opens With" select CHANGE

Select the program or browse to the .exe file and double click on it.

The .IFO extension will now show up on the extensions list in the control panel program associations.

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