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This post is more than 5 years old


April 4th, 2008 16:00

EXTREMELY slow printing to network printer

Yes I've searched the forums and I've also googled this problem.  Evidently lots of people have this problem.  I have an HP printer connected to my 5150 XP machine.  Naturally that machine prints fine.  When printing from my Vista machine it takes several minutes for the print window to come up and then another several minutes after selecting "OK" for it to print.


I followed the advice I found here about adding my network printer as a local printer with a user-defined port.  This sort of worked.  The print window came up instantly and went away instantly when I clicked "OK".  However, it still took several minutes before anything came out of the printer.  All it did was shift the delay from one event to another.  I have no idea what it's doing during the delay. Then without warning my locally-installed printer showed up as "offline".  I can't get it back.


Any ideas?  It's pretty sad that neither Dell nor Microsoft can fix this.  I spent 2 hours with a Dell Online technician only for him to dismiss it as a 'network problem' and insisted that if I wanted any more support on the issue I needed to pay for it.


Also something that the technician did not know was that a slow-loading Adobe Photoshop Elements is caused by the same problem.  If the network printer is installed as the default, Adobe takes FOREVER to load.  By selecting anything other than a network printer as the default Adobe loads fine.


So what can I do here?




56 Posts

April 4th, 2008 18:00

which hp printer, can you try attaching the printer directly to your pc? Considering you setup a local port using microsoft tcpip as the port, have you the most recent installer and drivers for the printer?


Try using the hp installer as it creates its own local tcpip port.


make sure before you do that, go to your control panel, printers and then right click the printers window background.


there you will see server properties. go to ports tab, and delete the port the printer is using before reinstalling.




good luck


31 Posts

April 5th, 2008 09:00

@frankh2c wrote:

which hp printer, can you try attaching the printer directly to your pc? Considering you setup a local port using microsoft tcpip as the port, have you the most recent installer and drivers for the printer?


Try using the hp installer as it creates its own local tcpip port.


make sure before you do that, go to your control panel, printers and then right click the printers window background.


there you will see server properties. go to ports tab, and delete the port the printer is using before reinstalling.




good luck


Thanks for the reply.
It's an HP6280.  It works fine when connected directly to the Vista PC.  It's a Vista thing, not a printer thing.  Using your advice, I successfully deleted the printer and reinstalled it.  It's doing the same thing: I can print without waiting several minutes for the dialog boxes but it is still several minutes before anything comes out of the printer.  As I type this I'm waiting for a test page I sent 3 minutes ago.  It will show up eventually.  
The 'good news' is that the hard drive on my Dell E510 failed last night (I was calling it a 5150, it's an E510).  I spent half the night restoring it.  It's back up and running and the Workgroup seems more stable now.  As a result, the 'local' printer installed on my Vista machine (which is connected to the E510) seems to be staying 'online' (though the extremely long delay in getting from the PC to the printer is still an issue). 
Nothing like a catastrophic failure to clean everything up.

56 Posts

April 6th, 2008 12:00

I agree, usually when my dog has an "accident" in the kitchen, I am quite disturbed, however, when I'm done cleaning up , i realize that I needed to mop the floor anyway.




take care

1 Message

April 8th, 2008 13:00

I'm sure you already know it isn't an HP printer problem.  I have 2 new epsons, a cx4800 and a cx9400fax in a wireless network.  the 9400 is attached to a dell/windows 2000 machine ethernetted to the router, the cx4800 attached to my new dell 530/vista basic via a netgear wireless adapter, and there is an HP laptop/vista premium in the group.  Printing from either vista machine to either networked printer is painful and usually unsuccessful, dying with unexplained printer errors.  Printing to the directly attached printer works as advertised which doesn't help much if you are using the laptop.


I made the mistake of setting them up initially as remote printers.  Seemed to be the obvious thing to do.  Minutes would go by waiting for any type of response from vista waiting while your application (notepad or browser or whatever) hangs responseless.  After reading a bit, I deleted and reconfigured printers on the laptop as local printers.  Also, I foolishly used password protection on the printers which I soon shut off, nevertheless,  I still have to log into the windows 2000 machine as administrator before I can print to it.  And that works, if at all, with the usual delay of minutes.


I'm having better luck printing from the laptop to the cx4800 on the dell/vista box.  The doc will print fairly quickly, almost normally.  Therein lies whatever clues I will get, I'm sure.


I think it's a vista thing.  Printing across the room has never been this painful, even with windows.  I think Bill Gates owes everyone who bought vista some satisfaction according to the following formula:

( a refund && (valium prescriptions || one free swing at him) && (free copy of XP || free copy of linux) ). 


Dell should be punishing Microsoft for putting them into this position. 

31 Posts

April 8th, 2008 21:00

Well didn't take long for my Vista machine to lose track of the network printer installed as local.  Unlike the last time, it still shows up as "online" but when you print your job goes to some other magical place.  Maybe to someone elses printer somewhere?  Who knows.


So I reverted back to setting up the printer as a network printer and just deal with the delay.  It's pretty ridiculous that Dell won't step up to the issue when you contact tech support nor will Microsoft.



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