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This post is more than 5 years old


February 14th, 2007 18:00

Crystal ActiveX Viewer is unable to create its resource objects?? But can't download applet.

The above unintelligible (to me) message appears in a Windows Internet Explorer window when I attempt to access an online member database.  Instructions state:

The enhanced Mailing Label reports have been created using Crystal Reports. The best option to view

these reports is with the Crystal Report Viewer. This is a Java applet that allows you to navigate within

the report and drill down to specific content rather scrolling through page after page.

The very first time you attempt to access a report using the viewer, a dialog box may pop up asking if you

want to install the viewer. Choose Yes to download the applet.

My problem is that the error box saying the Crystal ActiveX viewer etc...seems to stay in a loop and keeps popping up, so I can't install the viewer.  BTW:  I just downloaded a Microsoft Security Update for Excel (which didn't solve the problem I have with that program either--another story.)

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