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November 12th, 2007 14:00

Windows XP & What Anti virus software

Hi I would like any suggestion as to what antivirus is recommended for XP?
I am aware of how much Hog in VISTA. However I am not familier with XP.
Is it Norton or McAfee is better for the XP.
Or can one choose firewall from one,antivirus from another and spyware from a third ? Will this conflict with each other in such a manner that internet serving become a headache?
Or any freeware will do the job?
I am talking about a single home computer connected to the internet through broadband.
Thank you for your thought on this subject.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

November 12th, 2007 14:00

in terms of free anti-MALWARE:
If we consider two well-respected "short" lists:
(steps 7 and 9)
to see what they share in common...
--- and limiting the recommendations I cite below to free products, so as not to be accused of "pushing" anything paid ---
we note that BOTH of these sites recommend the following FREE products:
Ad-Aware SE 
[ Note/Update:  The SE  product is being phased-out, in favor of a newer 2007 version. 
The 2007 product, being new, is subject to further testing and evaluation.  
In fact, be advised that many of the preliminary reports are   *NOT*  favorable!!
2007 will run on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista ]
Windows Defender  [Windows XP Service Pack 2, or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1;
and I believe it's automatically included as part of Vista]
SuperAntiSpyware [ Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, Vista, 2003 and XP Home/Pro]
AVG AntiSpyware (formerly EWIDO; the ON-DEMAND scanner is fully free)
[Windows Vista, Windows XP Home/Pro with SP2, or Windows 2000 SP4 with Security Rollup Pack]
(and SpyBot Search & Destroy 1.5  [Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista ; some functions need administrator rights] --- an "in addition" comment at Spyware Warrior, where technically it is classified as "useful"
Notes:  Windows Defender  offers resident [continually running in real-time] protection. 
The  TeaTimer  option in SpyBot also offers resident protection. 
In general, you should run only one resident anti-malware program (in addition to your resident anti-virus program)  [ (*) See Post Script below ] --- but feel free to download and use as many anti-malware  on-demand SCANNERS  as you wish.

To simplify matters:   If I had to choose a minimal  anti-malware configuration from the above list, my personal picks would be Windows Defender [as my resident scanner... and it also offers an on-demand scanner] together with SuperAntiSpyware as a "complimentary" on-demand scanner [using only one anti-malware scanner is not enough --- you should use at least two... and all of the above are compatible together, if you so wish].

[ For Windows 98 / ME users --- who can't use Windows Defender --- I would suggest running Spybot, with its TeaTimer option activated, for resident anti-malware protection. ] 


In addition to these, I'm also a big fan of --- and strongly recommend --- WinPatrol [Windows 98 through Windows Vista]:


(*) Post Script:  

I've done some semi-extensive testing, using both Windows Defender and SpyBot's TeaTimer (on an XP system), even though these are both resident anti-spyware programs.  According to SpyBot's website, " Spybot - Search & Destroy's Resident protection [TeaTimer] is designed such that there should not be any compatibility issues."   My own testing seems to confirm they are not only compatible, but they in fact nicely complement each other:  quite often, one would pick-up on, and advise me about, something that the other one either "overlooked", or "knew"/"assumed" to be safe.   It certainly gave me an extra feeling of protection (be it real or imagined on my part).   Granted, there were several duplications in warning messages --- which some people might consider a nuisance ---  but I'm willing to put up with it, if it provides me with extra layer of protection.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

November 12th, 2007 14:00

You will also need a firewall... but I'll leave specific recommendations on this to others with more experience in this area.
EDIT:  I'm currently testing   Comodo Firewall Pro 2.4  [Windows XP / 2000 / 2003] (which is FREE, despite being a "PRO" version), and while I haven't used it that long, my initial reaction is highly favorable.
Above all, it's critical that you keep all your security programs updated.  
I would update my anti-VIRUS definition/signature/reference files at least once a day!!  
And my anti-malware programs at least once or twice a week.

Another point:   Windows critical/security updates are made available the 2nd Tuesday of each month, and should be installed as soon as possible.   If you've set-up AUTOMATIC updates, that's optimal; but if not, you can manually obtain them, in Internet Explorer, by clicking on TOOLS, and then WINDOWS UPDATE

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

November 12th, 2007 14:00

"mix and match" freeware should suffice:
if you search thru these forums, you'll find many recommendations for FREE products that will cover just about everything you need:
In terms of FREE anti-virus programs, people in these forums are  recommending Grisoft/AVG, Avast!, or Avira/AntiVir. 
All are considered good.   It's more a matter of user choice as to which is "best"...
Forum member Joe53 [whose opinion I strongly respect] currently recommends Avira's AntiVir or  Avast! 4 Home Edition, in this order.
P.S.   Do *NOT* install more than one of these Anti-virus products. 
All are FREE; some may require you to go through a "registration" procedure.
Grisoft/AVG Free
(Win 98SE, ME, NT Workstation SP6a, 2000 Pro SP4 with Security Rollup Pack, XP SP2, Vista):
Avast! Home Edition
(Win 95/98/ME, NT 4.0, 2000. XP, Vista ;
 but excluding NT/2000/2003 Server families): 
Avira/AntiVir Personal Edition  ( Windows 2000/XP/Vista [32Bit and 64Bit]):

Message Edited by ky331 on 11-12-2007 11:22 AM

1.1K Posts

November 12th, 2007 15:00

Thanks a million. What a comprehensive answer!!
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