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This post is more than 5 years old

2 Intern


2.2K Posts


March 24th, 2017 08:00

MBAM Version Update

This has been requesting to download and install since yesterday. Was wondering if anyone has done so already and if there has been any issues?

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

March 24th, 2017 08:00

I don't believe I was offered any MBAM update (on my primary Win7 system, where I'm still running MBAM 2.x in real-time).

For what it's worth, the most current version is, with component package 1.0.75, and I'm using the FREE version of this on another Win7 system.

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

March 24th, 2017 09:00

When I bring up the Dashboard it says across the top that my version is out of date,  overlaid by a little box that says "A new version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is ready to be installed" "Install now"? Followed by OK or Later

Don't know the correct steps to print the screen or I would display it. I also have the older 2.x.x version which has been working just fine, and don't want to install that new one...MB3 or whatever it was, until all the problems have been resolved.

I haven't gone to their website yet, will do so later today.

2 Intern


5.8K Posts

March 24th, 2017 10:00

I've been getting that nag (and a red exclamation point on my MBAM tray icon) to upgrade MBAM 2.x Premium on my Win 7 workhorse system for a few days now. So far I have resisted upgrading on this primary system, but I imagine that sooner or later support for 2.x will be dropped. I'm only holding off because it appears that all problems with Malwarebytes 3 have not yet been resolved.

That said, I have upgraded from 2.x to MB3 Premium on my old XP/sp3, Win 7 Pro and Win 10 Pro systems with no problems at all  for the last month or two. I still run a separate free AV alongside MB3 on them all, with no conflicts, even though Malwarebytes claims that the paid MB3 is a sufficient AV replacement.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

March 24th, 2017 11:00

Interesting.... I'm wondering now whether I haven't received the nag/notice yet, or whether I was just oblivious to it.   (I'm at work, and will check when I get home later.)   My preference is to retain 2.x until I'm sure 3.x is fully debugged/safe.

As noted in another thread, avast just updated itself (against my explicit setting to the contrary) from 12.x ("2016") to 17.x.   I can just imagine the chaos were several security programs all "jump the gun" simultaneously...

2 Intern


2.7K Posts

March 24th, 2017 12:00

I am using the newest version of Malwarebytes without any problems. I have both the paid version and free versions on various machines and it all looks good.  

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

March 24th, 2017 14:00

Home now, on my primary Win7.   MBAM Premium, running in real-time.

Under UPDATE SETTINGS, I see I have UNchecked the box to Check for Program Updates when checking for Database Updates... PERHAPS that explains why I'm not getting a nag/update notice???

Another reason why I'm waiting on 3.x (besides concerns about whether it's "ready for prime time") is that I'm running MBAE (Anti-Exploit) separately, with tweaked/customized settings that I've added... I want to be sure that the new MBAM 3 --- which will remove my existing MBAM and MBAE --- will import/respect all my customization.

2 Intern


5.8K Posts

March 25th, 2017 00:00

Under UPDATE SETTINGS, I see I have UNchecked the box to Check for Program Updates when checking for Database Updates... PERHAPS that explains why I'm not getting a nag/update notice???

To stop the annoying nags, and disable your Malwarebytes v2 from upgrading to MB3 do the steps below. (Courtesy of Firefox in the MB3 forum):

Worked for me.

2 Intern


2.2K Posts

March 25th, 2017 05:00

I had stated previously that MBAM 2.x had stopped working on my older computer. Installed the new version on it,  and now it works. Couldn't delete the older version so just deleted the Desktop icon. Will turn off the nag screen on the new computer and continue to run the older version until deciding to upgrade.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

March 25th, 2017 05:00


Nice find.   As it happens, in addition to step 1 [which I noted above that I had implemented], I just checked to confirm I had also implemented step 2 (disable self-protection module).   But I have NOT implemented step 3 (mbam-setup.exe still exists in the designated folder).

Since I have not (yet?) been nagged to update, I'm gonna leave well-enough alone.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

March 25th, 2017 12:00

Those nags are incessant, ubiquitous and obnoxious. Putting a red exclamation point in the system tray icon removes the utility of this warning when something really is wrong.

Guess they learned that from their buddies in Redmond...  :emotion-40:

2 Intern


5.8K Posts

March 25th, 2017 12:00

Since I have not (yet?) been nagged to update, I'm gonna leave well-enough alone.

Hopefully the first 2 steps are all that is needed to prevent the nags before they are rolled out to your system. All I can state is that they alone were not sufficient for me to kill the nags after they got into my system. (I took the precaution of keeping a copy of mbam-setup.exe elsewhere, rather than just deleting it from the mbam folder. Lest it be needed when I do decide to upgrade).

I take a dim view of how MB has chosen to get users of MBAM 2 to upgrade. Those nags are incessant, ubiquitous and obnoxious. Putting a red exclamation point in the system tray icon removes the utility of this warning when something really is wrong. Dare I say scareware? Has MB adopted the nanny-state philosophy where cloud control knows better than I do about what is best for me?

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