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This post is more than 5 years old

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts


December 10th, 2014 06:00

Bug with Silverlight Update???

Apparently, users are having problems with yesterday's update for Microsoft Silverlight.  

Suffice it to say, when I go to the Silverlight test site

it's telling me to UNinstall yesterday's "new" version, in order to download/install an "older" version 5.1.30514.0

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 10th, 2014 10:00

Any specifics on what issues to watch out for after this Silverlight update, or is this a global notice that everyone should remove the latest update and revert to 5.1.30514.0 ?


3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

December 10th, 2014 10:00


I don't have any details.

I was reading at one of the forums for MBAE, that people had issues after the Silverlight update.   Initially, the thought was that MBAE was blocking it.   But then others asserted problems independent of MBAE.

I tried to test it this morning, but when I did, Silverlight wouldn't run! --- rather, the Silverlight site just told me I needed a different version, which was older than the one I had installed!    Unless they just didn't update their site yet??? --- which I would say is unlikely.

Anyway, after "downgrading" to the older version, the site then confirmed that my Silverlight was ready for use!

For what it's worth, I only intend on downgrading SL on my one or two primary systems.   I don't know that I use SL at all... and so I won't uninstall/reinstall it "everywhere", unless/until I see I really need it.

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 10th, 2014 15:00

I have Sllverlight 5.1.31010.0 installed (Win 7 pro) including yesterday's update KB3011970. 

Just tested it here with their adorable 9 min animated feature. It works fine, even on this old Dimension with its ancient video card with amazing detail.

I've watched that vid dozens of times and it's still fun. Still not sure if I root for the rabbit or for the little critters. :emotion-4: 


2 Intern


5.8K Posts

December 10th, 2014 15:00

As usual, I always wait a week or two to manually get Windows Updates. I've seen too many of these updates that caused problems or were recalled. I figure if  MS could wait a month, they could wait an extra 2 weeks before installing, to make sure they were "safe". This latest Silver Light update is just another case in point.

If this delay in installing Patch Tuesday updates has harmed me, I've yet to see it, over many years.

On balance, I still think the average home user should use Automatic Updates. Do as I say, not as I do.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

December 10th, 2014 15:00

So Ron, you have the "newer" Silverlight (yesterday's update) installed...

what happens if you go to ??

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

December 10th, 2014 15:00

That's an impressive video!

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

December 10th, 2014 16:00

Well, that's the question to be answered.   Is Microsoft's test/analysis site buggy?   Or is there in fact a bug with the newest Silverlight, which the site is thus trying to have people uninstall and back-track to a "safer" version??

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 10th, 2014 16:00

That site says:
Installed version: 5.1.31010.0
Requested version: Silverlight 5 (5.1.30514.0)
So it sees I have the newest version but it's offering an older version. I'd have to say that site has a bug...
Glad you like that vid. Rabbit or little critters? :emotion-2:

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 10th, 2014 16:00

I go for the former: buggy site.

Betcha the site only does a quickie test:

If installed version number not equal {number} then offer {number}

And they just haven't updated the site to the latest version number yet.  :emotion-4:

Silverlight is working here so unless / until somebody definitively says there's a bug or security hole in the new version I'm leaving it alone. 

You'd think if MS knew there was a real problem, their update site would be pushing out the old version today, especially to users who just automatically and blindly update.

But what do I know...?

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

December 10th, 2014 17:00

The only question I have:   If THEIR test site is not up to date, and if, as a result, I "backed down" to the version they're offering there... then, when I now go to Windows Updates, why doesn't it find the newer version that I was offered yesterday???

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 10th, 2014 18:00

Possibly because your update history file still thinks you installed it yesterday and doesn't know you removed that update? Can you manually download the KB? What if you totally uninstall Silverlight, will the update site offer it now?

There's free MS support for updates here (866) 234-6020. So I called and the tech (very nice guy -  perfect English) said he finds no info saying yesterday's Silverlight update has been recalled or any associated technical problems with the update in his database.

He looked on the Silverlight site too and thinks they just neglected to update the site to the latest version, even though it's detecting the correct version I've installed here. DUH!!!

He's going to put in a trouble ticket to have somebody check the Silverlight page. So if you can't download it via the update site, maybe wait a day or three until MacroStupid gets its act together - if that's even possible!

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

December 11th, 2014 04:00

Since I already uninstalled the "newer" one, and the "old" one is working... and when I double-checked just now, the MSFT page is (still) happy with the old one... I'm just gonna leave well-enough alone.   Since I rarely use Silverlight, it's not worth going through any more contortions.   Besides which, whatever you and I each have will probably be updated in another few months anyway!

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

December 11th, 2014 11:00


Corrine linked to the following at Landzdown; the author is from TimeWarner Cable (TWC):

Late Tuesday afternoon, Microsoft released an update to their Silverlight Player (used for video playback on for Windows.  The update contained a bug which caused the digital rights management (DRM) system to fail.  This impacted multiple Silverlight applications from various providers, not just TWC TV.  We believe Microsoft has pulled the bad update, but many users will have already received the update...

If (a) machine is running version 5.1.31010.0, the customer will need to revert to the previous version of Silverlight...

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 11th, 2014 13:00

So how come MacroStupid's own update support tech didn't know about this yesterday?  :emotion-7:

Besides, who cares about DRM?   :emotion-4:

10 Elder


44.4K Posts

December 12th, 2014 19:00

And the Silverlight site is still messed up. After installing tonight's update it shows:

Installed version: 5.1.31211.0
Requested version: Silverlight 5 (5.1.30514.0)
So it's still offering the old version even though it sees something newer (and different from the version that got installed on Update Tuesday)...  :emotion-7:
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