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September 1st, 2010 10:00

Replacement Screen for Dell Streak

First things, first.  I'd like to make the Streak owners without a broken screen aware of how potentially fragile the screen can be.  From what I had read, I assumed that the screen could take a reasonable beating and in most cases, that's probably true.  But alas, I dropped my Streak and now the glass is shattered.

Here is my story to add to the list:

I was sitting at a park picnic table that sits on a concrete slab.  I was facing away from the table top with my legs out.  I was checking into FourSquare and while I was waiting for the GPS to get a fix, I decided to do my usual slide-the-phone-on-my-thigh-to-wipe-the-screen move and when I turned the Streak over to finish checking in, I lost my grip and it slid down my legs and hit the ground.  It even hit my shoes before landing.  I was instantly disappointed at my clumsiness, expecting to pick it up with some scuff marks on the ends.  I was blown away with disappointment when I realized that the screen was cracked as well.  The Streak hit with very little force, but I must have found the (not-so-sweet) sweet spot.  That, or there was a defect in my particular unit's screen.

My wife also has a Streak and has dropped it several times with only minor damage to the plastic ends.  One time it shut off when she dropped it, but it powered back on.  Those drops were from about pocket height onto ceramic tile which is probably a little better than a concrete slab.

What's the next step?

Well, the first thing I did, was to order the plastic Dell case for my wife's Streak.  My hopes for it being a real Streak-saver are minimal, but I have to assume that it's better than nothing.  I hope to get something better if/when more third parties decide to offer cases.

I also looked into getting insurance for our phones, but that doesn't look promising.

I then contacted Dell, and, after several transfers, finally was able to ask the question of all questions: "Can I order a new screen?"  Nope.  The lady I spoke to, said that replacement screens aren't available for purchase "yet."  I'm really hoping that that means what I want it to mean.  That, in the future, we will be able to order a replacement screen.

I've replaced the home button on an iPhone before (which is more complicated than you might think) so I'm not at all afraid of tackling this repair myself.  I just need the part.  Looking at the Streak teardown at, the Streak's design is fairly well suited to self-repair.

I'm not completely convinced that this is an absolute design flaw, yet.  But I do join the group that suggests that Dell needs to handle this issue sooner rather than later.  My Streak still works, but I had to put a piece of tape over the crack origination spot to keep as much of the bits of glass still in place as I could.  It will only be a matter of time before the screen completely falls apart.  I just hope I don't cut myself when it does!

Call to action for Dell?  Please give us the ability to order replacement parts.

1 Message

January 30th, 2011 05:00

Dear Phil,

Thank you for fixing my Streak.  Your site did exactly what it suggested - I sent you my Streak with the screen broken on Tuesday and it arrived back in perfect working order on Friday.



1 Message

April 4th, 2011 23:00

Dear Fellow Streak users.

Have ordered a new screen from Phil as any warranty for a broken screen is non existant from both Optus and Dell.

My streak is only four months old, protected by Otter impact case. Had it in the pocket of my work pants- side leg pocket.

I was just walking and sitting. Took the phone out of pocket and the screen was completely cracked- useless.

Phil do you know of a hard case that will prevent the streak from flexing, I use it mostly as a pda with the occasional phone call.

I need to carry it on me for my job.

Regards  Vinny48

1 Message

April 19th, 2011 08:00

same problem as everyone else (broken screen) dropped with silicon case on.


Quote £310 to be repaired (new streak phone £300) in america as dell has no repair base in the UK (smart)

Thank god for cost £125, i will be sending my phone off to them as soon as the holidays are over.


why dell cant do this?

ta ta




May 15th, 2011 05:00

Why not just buy a warranty from squaretrade?  Cheaper and easier and covers you for 2 years.


It's circa 100 us with a discount code.

2 Posts

July 23rd, 2011 08:00

How much would it cost to repair the dell streak screen if the screen hasn't shattered to pieces.

it just looks like ink got in the screen

2 Posts

July 23rd, 2011 08:00

How much would it cost to repair the dell streak screen if the screen hasn't shattered to pieces.

it just looks like ink got into the screen

1 Message

July 30th, 2011 14:00

When my Dell Streak's screen got a small crack recently, Dell told me it was impossible to repair and my only option was to buy a new Streak. For U.S. residents, they’ll sell a replacement for $250, but as a Canadian, even though I live near the border and have a U.S. post office box, you need to pay full price of $450 for a locked Streak.

After searching the Internet, I found a few places that sold screens for do-it-yourself repairs, but only found one business that would do the repair for me – Phil Marlow’s Dell Streak Repairs in the UK, which is mentioned in this forum.

I hesitated about sending my Streak all the way from Canada to the UK for repair, but the process was simple, and Phil's service was excellent. He did the repair within the three days promised, and when I got it back, my Streak looked and worked like new. Payment was easy through PayPal, and the overall cost including two-way shipping, was far less than replacing the Streak. Plus, I didn’t need to reinstall all my apps.

It's unfortunate that the Dell Streak's "Gorilla Glass" will crack so easily if it is dropped. Streak users can be reassured that Dell Streak Repairs offers a reliable and affordable alternative to replacing your Streak if this occurs.

July 30th, 2011 23:00

If you're handy Just go on ebay and grab a dell streak replacement lcd.  It's around $50 for a do it yourself job.  No need to look outside or get a new one from dell to repair.  That said I just sold my streak and got an LG Optimus.  Not as fast but great data plan.

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