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October 28th, 2015 02:00

R630 : Idrac ethernet visible in linux


Do you know how to make the idrac interface invisible in RH 7.1 ?

Idrac ethernet is configured as dedicated. But it appears in the ifconfig -a command.



October 28th, 2015 04:00

The iDRAC is not visible because it is a dedicated NIC that is separate from the Server OS.

On a 13G server you do have the option to enable OS to iDRAC-Passthrough

If that is enabled you will get an USB NIC in you OS, for it to work correctly you need to have iDRAC Service Module (ISM) installed.

iDRAC Service Module (iSM) Home

The iDRAC Service Module (iSM) is a small OS-resident process that expands iDRAC management into supported host operating systems. Specifically, iSM adds the following services:

Why do need the iDRAC NIC in your OS?

Sorry, I misread your question. :emotion-10:
In your case the OS to iDRAC-Passthrough is enabled.

5 Posts

October 28th, 2015 04:00

Thank you for your anwer.

We have an evalutation server and it was enable when received whereas the menu says by default it is disabled. Any idea ?

October 30th, 2015 09:00

If it is an evaluation server that might explain why the settings was enabled by default :emotion-1:.

You could do a racadm racresetcfg to reset to factory defaults

5 Posts

November 6th, 2015 00:00

thank you. Is there also a way to reset the bios settings to defaults ?

5 Posts

November 6th, 2015 01:00

ok, found in the graphical mode. When text mode enabled and the java remote console at the same time, the default button does not appear.

My problem is now to know why by default in the serial communications menu :

device1 is linked to serial 2 and vice versa

external serial connector is linked to device 2

when i set External serial connector to Remote access device, after I boot and i've correctly see the console of both java and text mode the next time, the bios setting is back to Serial device 2..

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