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This post is more than 5 years old


October 8th, 2007 14:00

Partition Magic/System Restore

I'd like to use Partition Magic to make a new partition on my hard drive and then use the system restore tool to reinstall a clean boot operating system on this new partition.
Is this possible with windows xp?

53 Posts

October 8th, 2007 16:00

Well, it worked for me (Vostro), however, I didn't use the old Partion-Magic but the new, free and excellent OpenSource Parted Magic.
(This is a a bundle of several OpenSource harddrive tools, including the well known gparted to change the partitions, plus partimage to backup entire partitions, etc. The bundle runs ontop of a small Linux with nice X desktop, so it works on "empty" PCs, too. It's available as small CD boot or USB image to boot directly from.)

Anway: I partioned my harddrive with Parted Magic to several partitions and then installed Windows XP on my first (small 8 GB) partition directly from Dell's Windows XP CD which came with my Dell PC.

P.S. The default X server of Parted-Magic didn't like my Vostro's ATI (X1300) graphics card, so I had to select "Use Xvesa" in the Linux boot menu.

19 Posts

October 8th, 2007 18:00

let me get this straight.
you want to create partitions using partition magic to create a new partition on the computer- ---- thats ok you can do that on xp
and then you want to reinstall a new OS on the new partition-- you can do that.
but after that there might be a problem with the old OS. or it would detect the old OS. so you got 2 OS.
i think it would be better if you just try to clean format or reinstall the OS and then from the part that you can delete or create a partition, you can just delete the partitions there and then create the partitions you want and from there select the partition where  you want to install the OS.
system restore can only go back to a specific date where the computer is working properly (if it is working properly).
hope it helps

October 9th, 2007 11:00


Welcome to the Dell Community Forums.

Actually, no, it is not possible to use the Dell Restore partition to load the operating system and software on another partition that you create. The restore only will run on the C: drive.

In any case, when you create another partition it will break the Dell Restore partition,as it changes the master boot record.
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