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This post is more than 5 years old



August 18th, 2007 13:00

Found the NEW MESSAGE place :) My CDs will not play when inserted in twr.

I have a D-5110 puter & when I insert the audio CD(reg store CD) the cd does not play!
I have MEDIA PLAYER & QUICK-Time om my puter.
I don't know what to type in start link under RUN to start it...doesn't the puter start CDs when inserted??
The other 2 I have in the past have but not now.
I want to enjoy music & the radio.
PS: I am familiar with some aspects of puters and learn fast so don't get too technical at first, PLEASE.
I don't know where the page is that tells the "specs" of the computer :( but it has DELL 5110 on tower if this helps...I run MS windows 7 & have Office XP installed if this helps.

10.9K Posts

August 21st, 2007 11:00

This Article for Removing the UpperFilters and LowerFilters Values
with the Registry Editor should solve the problem ...............

Disregard the reference to Roxio.

29 Posts

August 21st, 2007 13:00

HI Sky,    [ref. to my NO CD found erro when play/rip CDs]
Did what you wanted me to with link to code 31, but could not find SUB KEY CLASS under the continue but I did find the following for my CODE 41:

Code 41

Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)

Recommended resolution

A driver was loaded but Windows cannot find the device. This error occurs when Windows does not detect a non-Plug and Play device.

If the device was removed, uninstall the driver, install the device, and then click Scan for hardware changes to reinstall the driver. If the hardware was not removed, obtain a new or updated driver for the device.

If the device is a non-Plug and Play device, a newer version of the driver might be needed. To install non-Plug and Play devices, use the Add Hardware wizard. Click Performance and Maintenance on Control Panel, click System, and on the Hardware tab, click Add Hardware Wizard.

On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the Troubleshooting Wizard.

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There seems to be NO download listed here so could you help me with a fix here. The other link looked like nothing when I did the RUN...Key & Sub key CLASS etc...



10.9K Posts

August 21st, 2007 14:00

You did not do it correctly.  Here is a Microsoft Article for the same procedure. 
Follow the instructions precisely for removing the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters
in Steps 1 thru 4 at the end of the article here ...........

29 Posts

August 21st, 2007 15:00

Methods to resolve the problem
Method 1: Guided Help to delete the registry entries Guided Help

Note We recommend that you uninstall all CD recording or CD writing programs before you delete the registry entries. You can reinstall any programs that you use after you resolve this problem.

Sky, can I just use the download GUIDE w/o UNinstalling because I do not know WHAT TO UNinstall first?? :(


These tech guides are for those familair with puters but I am a novice...WHAT would I UNinstall or CAN I do it w/o uninstalling? Do I just take a chance & use the guide?


Guess if something goes wrong I could RESTORE to an earlier date(<<



PS:Thought I did follow what you sent me earlier...but there is NO CLASS tab/key when I looked for code 31 you gave me before...sorry if I goofed!


That is why I came here, for HELP. :)

10.9K Posts

August 21st, 2007 15:00

Scroll down the page to the heading OTHER REGISTRY PATCHES.  Find
Restore Missing CD Drive.  Download it by double-clicking it.  Run it
on your system and it will UnZip.  One of the files it will unzip
is CDgone.  Run that and reboot.

29 Posts

August 21st, 2007 16:00


I have done the RED part below but am stuck on what/where is the right pane(TOPIC area) to continue...

I see NO UPPER FILTERS(there is a Lower Filters) on the expansion of 4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318


I am stuck again...don't give up on me, please. At 61, I was NOT raised on computers etc...

Another message from me at BOTTOM after instructions I am stuck on...




Method 2: Manually delete the registry entries
Important This article contains information about how to modify the registry. Make sure that you back up the registry before you modify it. Make sure that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up, restore, and modify the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
256986 ( Description of the Microsoft Windows registry
Warning Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.Log on to Windows by using an account that has administrator rights and permissions. Then, follow these steps.
Step 1: Start Registry Editor
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. Registry Editor starts.
Step 2: Delete the UpperFilters registry entry
1. In Registry Editor, expand My Computer, and then expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. 2. Expand SYSTEM, and then expand CurrentControlSet. 3. Expand Control, and then expand Class. 4. Under Class, click {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. 5. In the right pane (topic area), click UpperFilters.

Note An UpperFilters.bak registry entry may also appear. To delete the UpperFilters registry entry, you must click UpperFilters and not UpperFilters.bak. 6. On the Edit menu, click Delete. 7. When you receive the following message, click Yes to confirm the deletion of the UpperFilters registry entry:
Are you sure you want to delete this value?
The UpperFilters registry entry is removed from the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} registry subkey.

Note Do not exit Registry Editor. You must have this program for the next step.
Step 3: Delete the LowerFilters registry entry
1. In Registry Editor, expand My Computer, and then expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. 2. Expand SYSTEM, and then expand CurrentControlSet. 3. Expand Control, and then expand Class. 4. Under Class, click {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. 5. In the right pane (topic area), click LowerFilters.

Note An LowerFilters.bak registry entry may also appear. To delete the LowerFilters registry entry, you must click LowerFilters and not LowerFilters.bak. 6. On the Edit menu, click Delete. 7. When you receive the following message, click Yes to confirm the deletion of the LowerFilters registry entry:
Are you sure you want to delete this value?
The LowerFilters registry entry is removed from the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} registry subkey. 8. Exit Registry Editor.
Step 4: Restart the computer
If a CD recording program no longer works after you restart the computer, you must reinstall the CD recording program.

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Can't I just REDO the whole CD recording program installation??????


I am not a tech but can download etc...

29 Posts

August 21st, 2007 16:00

Per ur Post 21, Sky
The following scares me on that download page you sent me...should I WORRY??
Never make changes to your Windows Registry
without first backing it up."
I do not have any backup and don't know how to back anything up...
CAN I RESTORE to an earlier date IF anything happened???

10.9K Posts

August 21st, 2007 17:00

The missing Upperfilters is the problem.  Delete the Lowerfilters and reboot.
All should be fine after that.
Sometimes after the procedure is performed, the burning software may need
to be re-installed.  Let's deal with that after you are up and running normal.  Right
now the burning software is useless without a drive.

Message Edited by Skybird on 08-21-2007 12:25 PM

10.9K Posts

August 21st, 2007 17:00

If you follow the procedure all will be well.  Yes, you can restore but
you will put the problem back in your system.

29 Posts

August 21st, 2007 18:00

I am flying as high as a CLOUDy now + a SkyBird...THANKS a lot for the help.
I deleted the LOWER Lifters and didn't have to do the UPPER since they were gone...
MS seems to have caused probs with HIDE components etc...and something amiss with the CD/ROM/RIP/PLAY etc.... on the XP or whatever.
Got YANNI ripped and playing now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feel like I am on stage with him! :) :)

10.9K Posts

August 21st, 2007 19:00

Glad to hear you are running now.  Best regards.

10.9K Posts

August 21st, 2007 20:00

The CD problem is solved.  Now you have a Windows Media Player problem.  Open
Media Player and select Tools then Options from the Menu Bar.  For
example, select the Devices tab and check if the CD drive is there.

If you want to reload Windows Media Player, Google the Windows Media Player
and you will find the Microsoft link for the version you are using.

If none of this resolves the WMP issue, post the problem in the Software - Windows XP
board as this is a software issue and not a CD hardware one.

29 Posts

August 21st, 2007 20:00

Things are not working again...I tried another CD later and got a message pop-up that:
"Windows Media Player cannot find the file. If you are trying to play, burn, or sync an item that is in your library, the item might point to a file that has been moved, renamed, or deleted." 
Looks like probs are resurfacing... :(
At least I don't get the CD DRIVE is not there or I need one.
I just WONDER if it was working because inbetween I UNinstalled the MUSICMATCH to stay solely with there a chance that MM had something working and then uninstalled it when I uninstalled MM and was needed with MP???
I think I just have to reDOWNLOAD the whole recording thing/program.
Do U know what that involves? I need a link and will go to town unless the above message rings a bell as to an EZ fix :)
Plus, is there an internal volume place I could INCREASE the vol. more than the limits on the vol. tabs........

29 Posts

August 21st, 2007 22:00

colon D is listed under devices...
Properties show DIGITAL Playback & RIP

Message Edited by Cloudy05 on 08-21-2007 06:17 PM

Message Edited by Cloudy05 on 08-21-2007 06:18 PM

29 Posts

August 22nd, 2007 00:00

Latest for me is that about 1+ hours ago, I uninstalled MP-11 back down to MP-10 and things look better here but the ripping is SLOW...
Guess diff. CDs load at diff. speeds.
I did LOSE all my library so I guess I have to re-rip it :(
Am doing it slowly...
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