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This post is more than 5 years old


June 7th, 2003 06:00

Internet Explorer restting it's own proxy settings..

I have a Dimension XPS T600r running Windows 98. My Internet is very slow to come up, always showing "detecting proxy settings" at the bottom of the screen while it waits to connect. When it finally connects, everything is great and I can browse from site to site very quickly. Any idea what's happening?

In Internet Explorer : Tools/Internet Options/Connections/LAN settings - I unchecked the two options (1: automatically detect settings 2: use automatic configuration script)

Then without closing that browser window, I opened a new one. Low and behold, it opened in less than a second!! (ok really fast)

Then I closed them both, and tried to open a brand new one.....and the detecting proxy game starts again. After waiting for a minute and finally having the browser window open, I check my settings to find that the "use automatic configuration script" box has rechecked itself, and has the same address: http://proxy:8080 in the window. I've tried to uncheck them and start over a few times, also deleting the address does no good. It just comes back again and again. Any ideas? By the way, the dial up settings window is empty, and I don't have aol.

September 9th, 2004 22:00

Sounds similar to the problem I am attempting to solve.  I have an Inspiron 600m laptop and am using internet connection sharing, going through my desktop machine to get to the internet.  In the Connections / LAN Settings window I have the "automatically detect settings" checkbox checked.  When I start XP and log on, Internet Explorer will not initially work.  I have to open up the LAN Settings window and click OK before I can get to the internet.  Believe me, that's all I have to do.  I don't have to change a thing.  Just open the window and click OK to dismiss it.  I have been doing this now for a few months so I can almost do it in my sleep.
I found the 2 keys in the registry that are controlling this behavior.  They are DefaultConnectionSettings & SavedLegacySettings.  Both are in HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings/Connections
For some reason, the working settings won't stick.  Each time I log off and back on again, the settings are back to whatever doesn't work.
What is the deal with these settings that won't stick?  That's what I'd like to know.  And how to fix it, of course.

September 10th, 2004 13:00


Thank you for visiting the Dell Community Forum.

If you have not already done so, you may want to power your message in one of the Inspiron Forums (this Forum is for Dimension desktop modem issues) as you may be more likely to get answers to question concerning Inspiron systems in those Forums.

September 10th, 2004 21:00

I think the common thread here is that certain IE settings aren't sticking.  I found this post because I was searching all forums for a problem similar to my own.  I'm betting that it has nothing to do with the hardware.
Thanks for the suggestion, though.  I will post this to an Inspiron forum and see if anyone has a clue about what could be causing this.
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