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This post is more than 5 years old


11 Posts


May 9th, 2005 06:00

Power/AC adaptor questions Please help

I have had good luck on this board before so I figured I get some opinions here about this problem.
I usually have my notebook powered by the battery and when it needs to be recharged I plug it into the ac adaptor and then into the electrical outlet. 
Now I am getting this message before Windows even boots on the computer:
"The AC power and type cannot be determined.  This will prevent optimal system performance.  Strike the F3 key (before the F1 or F2 key) if you do not want to see power warning messages again.  Strike the F1 key to continue or F2 to run the setup utility."
I have no idea what is going on.  I cannot run my notebook with the ac adaptor and now my battery is dead so I cannot get on the computer at all.  The green LED light still comes on when I plug the adaptor into the electrical outlet so I am not sure if the problem is with my computer or the adaptor.  I am baffled. 
*sigh*  I knew I should have backed up my homework files to disc.
Thanks a bunch for any help!

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

May 9th, 2005 09:00

Hopefully the system is still under warranty, because the chances are overwhelming the problem is with the system board.

Give Dell a call.

11 Posts

May 9th, 2005 21:00

Argh!  That is not what I wanted to hear but thanks for your input.  I really need to get my files off since I need to turn in my projects by the end of the month.  I have no problem sending the computer in for repairs but I can't wait for my files.

Does anyone know if I order a new battery from Dell if it will come charged so that I can at least get my files off before I send it in for repair?

Thanks again!

713 Posts

May 10th, 2005 07:00

Does the green light stay on when you plug the A/C Adaptor in your PC? If you are under warranty, you can have Dell exchange the AC Adaptor before sending in the whole PC, because it could also be a faulty AC Adaptor.

Spare batteries aren't fully charged, but often 50-70%. However, it could also be possible that a spare battery isn't charged enough to get your files.

You could use an external USB case for 2,5" HDDs to retrieve your files on another PC.
Another way to get your files is to buy an adaptor to hook your 2,5" Notebook HDD to a standard IDE connector as a second drive on a Desktop PC.

May 10th, 2005 20:00

do you know anyone with the same model laptop of same family (same look, 1150, 5100, 1100, 5150, etc..)  you can put the harddrive in the other laptop and just install the new drivers and get your files.

May 11th, 2005 00:00

The same thing JUST happened to my computer! From looking at the forum, it looks like TONS of people have problems with their 5150.  Mine's not under warrenty anymore, I've already replaced the motherboard once.  My green light doesnt' even come on when its plugged in.  Yesterday it would turn on and charge for 2 minutes if I wiggled the cord JUST right, now its not even turning on.  Let me know what they say -- when I called they said it was probably a problem with my adapter so I went out and bought an iGo universal adapter, but they don't even make a tip for it! ARGH!

11 Posts

May 11th, 2005 03:00

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.  The green light does stay on and I have tried another adaptor so I am pretty sure it is the computer.  I went to the Dell troubleshooting tool and gave my journal number to support.  They suggested I send in my whole computer minus the hard drive.  Thank goodness I still have 100 days left of warranty!  Although now I wish I would've purchased an additional year or two.  Is it too late to do that? 

Anyway I had thought of finding someone else with a model similar to mine but I do not know anyone who has one.  Seems like there are nothing but VAIOs or Compaqs around here!  I am thinking of calling around to some of the local comp shops around here to see how much they will charge me to copy my hard drive onto a DVD.  Best Buy charges $90 but I'd rather not go to them.  I am kinda frustrated.  I paid $1500 for the computer and I know that is not a lot for some of you but it is a lot for a college student.   I would expect it to at least be okay for a year.

Thanks again for the suggestions.  You guys are awesome. :)


11 Posts

May 11th, 2005 03:00


A friend of mine suggested this too.  Where would I find the adaptor to hook the notebook HDD to the desktop?  We have a few computer shops around here and Worst Buy and Radio Shack but I'm not quite sure what I need or if they have it?  Can you elaborate a little more?  Thanks a bunch!!!


713 Posts

May 11th, 2005 06:00

See here to get a picture of such an Adaptor:
The 2,5" Notebook drives only have one connector for IDE and power, whereas the desktop connector has the ribbon cable for IDE and the 4-pin power plug.
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