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June 4th, 2010 14:00

Fingerprint Reader for Website Logins?

I found a link addressing this on the forum, but when you clicked the link, it couldn't be found.

Just got a new Latitude E6410.  Nice machine, has the fingerprint reader installed which works fine for the Windows login.  But where it'd really be nice is if it could  remember all my different website logins and passwords.  Can you make it do that?  I messed around with the EMBASSY Security Center but didn't see in there where you could record web logins for this. Any ideas?

176 Posts

June 4th, 2010 15:00

you can do that but you have to buy a program maybe two to be able to use fingerprints to login to websites.  fingerauth password manager works with microsoft fingerprint reader and a few laptop readers in conjunction with digital persona password manager.  you just have to find a program that will work with a dell fingerprint reader.  the programs are a little pricey though.  i think it's more secure to use a master password security manager to store all your passwords under one secure password.  fingerprint readers are notoriously inaccurate.  technically, someone could follow you into a bar and snatch your used glass and dust it with graphite and use silly putty to get an impression.  it will work at least 50% of the time.  it only has to work once and it's been done already.  then they break into your house and log onto your banking sites.  i know that's extreme, but it's worth thinking about. 

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

January 23rd, 2014 14:00


First, DigitalPersona is not supporting the fingerprint reader software anymore. It may or may not work for different browsers.

I found this information HERE


There is an add-on called Fingerfox SE, latest version is 2.20.2. This
add-on, in conjuction with DigitalPersona personal, will resolve the
problem. In FireFox disable DigitalPersona extension. When you go to a
website with a login screen, once you click the icon on the bottom right
you will get the fingerfox popup. DO NOT ENTER YOUR CREDENTIALS IN THIS
POPUP, instead swipe your finger on the figerprint reader which will
activate the Digital Persona utility. Enter your credentials in Digital
Persona personal and they will be transferred to FingerFox.




January 23rd, 2014 12:00

It's 2014, and I have the same question for the e6530. Anyone have an updated answer for this question:

"How do I use my Dell fingerprint reader to access and fill-in website login data?"


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