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This post is more than 5 years old


19 Posts


January 10th, 2006 22:00

Does the mouse attach?

I see that the keyboard clicks into place and becomes part of the unit, but I'm curious does the mouse attach to the case some how as well? If so where?

All in all it looks pretty cool to me. I might buy one if the price was right.


3 Posts

January 11th, 2006 14:00

there is a mousepad on the keyboard beside the arrow keys

19 Posts

January 11th, 2006 15:00

What I meant was when it's all folded up for travel, does the mouse attach somewhere? Or do you have to carry that seperetly?


3 Posts

January 11th, 2006 19:00

no as you can see from the picture the remote that comes with it does not attach so i am guessing that a mouse would not either

January 11th, 2006 20:00

There is a touchpad on the full-size wireless keyboard or you can use the wireless mouse.  The wireless mouse does not attach to this version of the

6 Posts

January 15th, 2006 21:00

Hence 'portability' and without the jumble of peripherals a desktop PC might have. I hope it stays this way.

January 23rd, 2006 12:00

The mouse does not attach at this time.  The reasoning behind this is that the mouse is not required since there is a mouse touchpad on the wirless keyboard.

7 Posts

January 27th, 2006 18:00

I don't like touchpads, nor do most gamers, or graphics designers such as me. It would be much better if you included a tablet area(such as Wacom makes) instead of a touchpad, and had the mouse either easy to fit in your pocket, or attach to the laptop.

6 Posts

January 28th, 2006 00:00

I understand that a touchpad would cover the requirement, but I think the subject diserves some thought. I hate those touchpads with a passion. I prefer just using the keys to menuever my way around and I just avoid using everything that requires a mouse if all I have is a touchpad. I was able to use my lap top without a mouse in school with AutoCAD, but only because I typed in the coordinates.
If a pen-like object could clip on a key board that works with a touchpad, I would likely use it. I'm not sure if this is what a tablet area would be, but if it is, I like the idea.
Any replacement to a touchpad would likely be an impruvement. The optimal devices would of course allow you to move the coursor and operate the mouse buttons with one hand.
I might just have my head stuck in the clouds, but after seeing this awesome concept, who can blame me?

6 Posts

January 30th, 2006 22:00

@magicmanad wrote:
I don't like touchpads, nor do most gamers, or graphics designers such as me. It would be much better if you included a tablet area(such as Wacom makes) instead of a touchpad, and had the mouse either easy to fit in your pocket, or attach to the laptop.

I firmly disagree with users’ arguments for a detachable mouse and a keyboard without a touchpad. I am a gamer and an artist myself and I have in the past opted for a competitor's product with a touchpad overwhelmingly due to another brand's lack thereof.

For many gamers a detachable mouse would be a useless peripheral anyways. Gaming mice are powerful, disposable tools that sometimes last only as long as the product cycle. So long as there are USB ports on the back I see no reason to needlessly waste precious space or encroach on portability.

As an artist I find touchpads to be a versatile tool and utilize them to no end. Like any other input device, granted, there is a learning curve. However, I can personally vouch as an artistic professional for the benefits a touchpad provides as an alternative input device. When I'm on the go and without my tablet my laptop’s touchpad is invaluable. I use it for anything from browsing the web and editing code to working in Photoshop and modeling in 3dsmax. Although I can work at least five times as fast with a tablet than with a mouse I'm still at least twice as efficient on a touchpad than I am with a mouse and infinitely more comfortable.

If you are a gamer then you'll most likely be plugging in your mx510/518/1000 anyways. If this purchase is for home use then attaching only 'one' peripheral, compared to those of a full PC, should be considered a godsend.

To those of you who swear by a mouse please acknowledge that there are some of us who can't live without our touchpads too. Even if you do not, many of us use a laptop for its maximum portability and are seeking the same portability of Dell’s new XPS 'mobile' concept.

A mouse is an easily replaceable peripheral. An embedded touchpad is not. If you don’t like it then don’t use it.

Message Edited by Mistrel on 01-30-2006 06:53 PM

7 Posts

January 31st, 2006 18:00

You claim to use a tablet. Why, then, do you object to my suggestion of a Wacom Intuiton-style tablet area in place of a touchpad? for your proffessional artwork, the tablet area would help a lot. Also, as opposed to your finger, it could be used like a touchpad with a stylus. The tablet area would utilize Photoshop and other graphics programs to their full potential, and would be much better than an ordinary touchpad.

6 Posts

January 31st, 2006 20:00

@magicmanad wrote:
You claim to use a tablet. Why, then, do you object to my suggestion of a Wacom Intuiton-style tablet area in place of a touchpad? for your proffessional artwork, the tablet area would help a lot. Also, as opposed to your finger, it could be used like a touchpad with a stylus. The tablet area would utilize Photoshop and other graphics programs to their full potential, and would be much better than an ordinary touchpad.

How would you suggest this be implimented?
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