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July 5th, 2016 10:00

4 or 8 gb or Ram?

what's the differences in performance?

9 Legend


87.5K Posts

July 6th, 2016 05:00

Be careful in buying -- if you're looking for a small (13" or under) system, it's very often the case now that memory is hard soldered - in other words, not upgradeable later on.  For these systems, if there's an option for an 8G version, it makes good sense to buy that -- while 4G may be enough now, it may not later on - and many small/slim systems are now not memory -upgradeable.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

July 6th, 2016 02:00


Thank you for writing to us!

Basically 8 GB of RAM will hold twice as much working memory as 4 GB RAM. When you load up a an application your computer it loads goes into your available RAM memory. It is very quick type of memory. The more programs you load up, the more RAM is taken up. At the point where you have loaded up enough apps to take up all your free available physical RAM, your OS will create a swap-file on your harddrive. This file is used as a reserve for all additional apps you run. The trouble with that is: hard drives are a lot slower to read and write from than RAM memory is. Therefore your computer will perform much slower at that point. Although new generation of SSD hard drives are much faster than your traditional spinning drive, it is still best to have enough RAM available. If you are using Windows and want to want to know how much RAM you are using up, you can right click on task bar, then select start "Task Manager" and on the "performance" tab you will see a green bar indicating "Memory". If that number is close to or over 4 GB then you should consider upgrading to more RAM to get significant improvement in your computer's performance.

Kindly provide us with the service tag and email address via private message .



3 Posts

July 6th, 2016 03:00

thnk you very much.

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