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This post is more than 5 years old


January 31st, 2017 05:00

Replacing EqualLogic PS6100 with SCV2020 a viable option ?


How does the scv2020 compare the the EqualLogic Ps6100 series in terms of features / performance ?

Most of our EqualLogic arrays go out of maintenance next year and it's got me thinking about other options.

We currently run the kvm hypervisor with raw iscsi Luns to provide the storage to each vm and I can see us reaching the 1024 connection limit in a pool at some point if we carry on working this way.

We also replicate the volumes.

Does the SCV2020 support one to many replication or is it just peer to peer like EqualLogic ?



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

January 31st, 2017 10:00


  Depending on how you configure the SCv2020 and which model 6100 you have.  The Dell PS Series SAN includes all features right out of the box.   The Compellent is more ala carte.  For example you need a license for local snapshots, and replication with the SCv2020.   You might want to look at the 7020 instead.  More included standard and more options for future growth.  

  The SCv2020 will replicate to the Dell PS Series SAN with the CML v7.x firmware.  The Dell PS SANs will have to be running v9.0.x in order to replicate to the CML. 

  The CML ASYNC Replication license will allow you to replicate one to many CML arrays, not to multiple PS arrays. 

 Hope this helps.  Your sales rep can provide you more detailed info on the various options. 



January 31st, 2017 21:00

I am curious why not upgrade to PS6210 or PS6600 series?

The newer arrays are way faster.  We have saw throughput increase 3 times from PS6100.

20 Posts

February 1st, 2017 01:00

Hi Thanks for the reply

Do you happen to know the maximum number of supported ISCSI connections / replicas on the SC series of arrays ?

I have received a quote from Dell to extend support on the arrays for an additional 2 years but it is almost 40% of the initial purchase price and that included 5 years support.

The SC series 2000 series seems really cheap but I found a video that this series doesn't perform replication with Equalloigc, is this not the case ?

Only having 1gb /dual 1gb with flexport for replication on the SCV2000 might also be a deal breaker too possibly.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 1st, 2017 05:00


 I'll double check on the connections / replicas. 

 Re: Replication.  The software required to do replication with Equallogic, v7.x was only released for the SCv2020 a month or so ago.  That video was likely before that. 



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

February 1st, 2017 10:00


 CML handles iSCSI connections different from EQL.   The limits are how many hosts you can have vs. iSCSI sessions to a volume.  Since you connect to a storage processor on a node with CML.  So if you are not hitting the connection limit now with EQL,  I don't see you having a problem with the CML. 

  If you have 6100's now,  I'm not sure the SCv2020 is going to provide you want you want today and going forward.  There is the SC4020 which has a single SAS bus so that has configuration limits.  Which is why I was suggesting the SC7020 instead.  You can have up to three SAS cards for better performance and scaling. 





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